I finally have all the first round of 'flowers' attached to my back ground squares in the project I showed last time. Yesterday I sat and cut the next round of flowers, maybe today I'll get some sewn on. In between fiddling with my sewing I've been doing a lot of surfing and a little shopping. I'm obviously not at deaths door if I'm planning more projects.
I received my assignment for round two of the Pot Holder Pass. It's a secret swap, so I'm saying nothing. This round is now closed, but if you're interested, click on the image to go to Amys blog, I think she is planning a third round.

I'm starting to feel brighter and perkier for longer periods now. That's a good sign, though yesterday I had an appointment with the ENT, he says my ears are very inflamed, that may explain the dizziness. I hope they clear up soon. The walk in the fresh air was nice, though it left me with a heck of a head ache, it was a beautiful bright sunny day. Same as today, I think I'll keep the curtains firmly closed around my sewing perch in the window.
I'm off to play for a while.
Take care

Glad you are on the mend. DS2 had an inner ear infection once that meant he couldn't stand up, it was like he was drunk. Was right as rain once it cleared up
Haha - it doesn't take TOO much energy to plan new projects - hope you're back to normal soon, no fun being sick, especially for so long!
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