Yesterday after my show and tell of unfinished works I got a little bit domestic before having more fun with my sewing, in the end I did a couple of hours of cross stitch.
This morning, because I was awake and up at stupid o'clock I finished this little panel I brought home from NZ. I just had to do a little quilting and add hangers. Here it is hanging in our sitting room. (One down and three to quilt.)
Also today, I did more of the domestic stuff, took a trip to the post office and a couple of shops to fine some extras to include with the pot holders and now it's time to play again, I have a couple of hours before I have to go to work. I hear my cross stitch calling.
Have a good day and take care.

I love that kiwi wallhanging Lou! Happy stitching.
I think it is a brilliant place to hang it. It is beautiful and I am sure it will bring back some lovely memories
That's beautiful! Stupid o'clock, love that one.
The expression stupid o'clock is great....I ofetn wake at that hour then evetually go back to sleep and wake at even more stupid o'
clock.......why I don't know...and am very tired in the morning. ( luckily I don't do that every night! )
New Zealand fabric! Yes!
New Zealand fabric ! Yes!
I often wake at stupid O'clock...that's a fabuolus expression!
It looks great and reminds me that I still have not done anything with this fabric that my neighbour brought back from NZ for me :-(
The Kiwiana quilt looks great! I am turning the Aussie fabrics I bought on my trip into a market bag (er, someday!) and some pajama pants.
Cross stitch is something I return to time and again. Just love the simplicity of the one stitch that turns into beautiful images.
"stupid o'clock" cracks me up every time. I recently read the term "armpit of the morning" on another blog and loved that too :)
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