There were several which noted not only the Great war, but also more recent conflicts.

There were also quite a few quilts depicting a place very close to my own heart. I didn't need my program to know that this one is all about New Zealand.
The quilt creations section was amazing. Look at this chest/shrine entitled 'Love Conquers All'.
And a cake stand! They looked good enough to eat. There's Jenny's elbow too, with her Brother Bag.
And look at Dirty Bertie the Pangolin. The Judges comments said that they all wanted to take him home. Of course he won a prize.
As always I was drawn to the scrappy style of quilts. This one caught my eye. It is quilted with concentric circles.
And this Paisley beauty gave me an idea, I know someone who loves paisley.
More tugging at my heart strings, this symbol depicts friendship to Kiwis. All of the fabrics were kiwiana.
This lil' guy is amazing, I love him. The photo really doesn't do it justice, all those greens and those big eyes peeping out of the water.
I think I'm going to call it Madeline's Hat. The very centre piece of fabric is a Toille with the image of a woman's hat on it! Today I'll layer and finish it. I was hoping it would be a little redder and more christmassey.

I do have a few more images from the festival, I'll show those tomorrow.
As I planned, I spread out the shirty layers after lunch yesterday and realised I had made a miscalculation! The batting I had pieced together was just too small. I had measured the short edge of the quilt twice! Doh! So I got on with something else instead, well three somethings actually. First up, the piece I did last! I actually finished it while we were on Skype with Lee and the girls in NZ at about 10.30 last night! It's a Schnibble pattern (Not out of my new book) Called Madeline. The fabric is the Lumiere de Noel charm packs I bought at the festival.

In the afternoon I started and completed two of these little quilts. The other one has this background fabric for the star and the star fabric..............
They were very quick to make, four lines of quilting and bound while I watched a back episode of Stargate. See, they were done and in place before 4pm! One for each side of the bed. The fabrics I used were some of those curtain samples Mum acquired for me. I knew I'd find uses for some of it. 

I'm off to do the grocery shopping, then I can play. :-)
Thanks for the show as I can't get to Birmingham this year.
I love the Schnibbles quilt
Love and hugs Gina xxx
Fabulous quilts. Aren't there just some amazingly creative people out there. I love your little finishes. I take it the knitting has gone on the back burner.
What a productive day you had and what a fabulous display of quilts. There are some amazingly talented people out there
I am so impressed with your finishes! Nice work!
My hubby has fallen in love with you (motorbikes and where you like) he is not at all impressed with the crafts - but I am! PS Can he come and stay?
Lovelty. How come all the Kiwi items?
He he,I'm a Stargate with Quilting fan too! My family keep buying me the DVDs for Christmas and birthdays and I'm up to series 3 so far! I didn't see those Great War quilts at all, must have been daydreaming when we walked past those. That's what happens when you don't get a programme. The one with the poppies is amazing.
Love the Schnibble, it's so pretty. The quilts you showed were interesting, and I thought the poppy one was clever, but the paisley one really caught my eye. Now I'll look forward to the next episode.
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