I didn't do any more to the shirts quilt, except name it! 'Get Shirty' . Well what did you expect? It's my day off today, and I'll need something to keep me busy until the job centre update their site, that usually starts happening in the early afternoon, so I have all morning to do some sewing.
Thanks to those of you who asked about the job hunt, yes it's ongoing. I have an interview on Saturday, which is a bit of a surprise. I filled in an online application just for the practice to be honest as the role is like nothing I have any experience in. I must have said something good though! I wonder if I'll get any more surprises? I've done a few applications like that, just to practice tweaking my CV and filling in forms. Interview practice will be a good thing too.
Play time.
oh it looks so very pretty. So bad about the itching, I do hope that it has settled for you!
and yeh, good luck with the job hunting!!
Your new version of the ripple rug will be nice and soft for a baby to snuggle into. Fingers crossed for the job interview. As you say, even if it doesn't come to anything it is all good experience. Enjoy your day off.
The knitting looks so soft. Happy to hear no itching has occurred with this one...my knitting is awaiting the yukky job of picking up stitches for the neckband.
Good luck with the job interview....cheers!
I do agree that interview practice is always useful, but I'll keep my fingers crossed too.
Your Ripples looks wonderful, I love it in just the 2 colours.
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