My week of annual leave has finally arrived, boy am I ready for it. It would be nice to say I'll get to spend some time with this young man, but he's running out on me.

He spent the first two weeks of school hols at camp, another week with his dad and now that I finally have time off, he's going sailing with his Grandad! By the time they get back, I'll be back at work. Oh well I hope he enjoys himself.
With Joe away I'll have no excuses, I'll have to make some quilty progress, and here's a good place to start. This morning, before the boy cleared off he helped me to lay out all these blocks, here they are ready to be stitched together. Joe even helped me deciding on borders before he went.

This is not the best of photos, it looks all washed out. It really is more colourful than this, but we're still relying on my cell phone for pictures. After I get a little lunch I'll be making a start on putting all these pieces together. (For those who missed it, I'm using one of Bonnie's free patterns.
Smokey Mountain Stars.)
The job interview on Saturday was both good and bad. I was short listed to the last 4, not bad considering it is a total change of direction for me. But, the hours and pay are much shorter than we are used to. I don't think I'll be accepting, if they offer. Hey-ho, still looking.
I'm going to eat and play.
Great quilt top--light and airy. Love the use of shirts.
The quilt top is looking great. The fabrics work so well together. The right job will come up when it is ready and probably when you least expect it. I'm glad Joe is having a great holiday, just his timing is out as far as you are concerned.
Enjoy your week off work, it sounds as if you could do with it.
I think it is going to look good. Enjoy your freedom. Think of it as a practise run for when he grows right up and goes off to see the world. IT happens before you know.
Enjoy your stitching!
The quilt is coming along nicely...cheers!
I love the quilt top. Regarding the interview - at least you had one, AND were short-listed, so very well done on that.
As for kids, well growing up is what they do, fast! Enjoy the time off.
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