The house got a good clean up and I even managed to dig out my sewing room. I have a floor in there and I can get at my desk and the sewing machine. Now I need to find something to sew. In a room full of fabric and works in progress I'm spoiled for choice. I really should get on with some more of mums projects, maybe I could get something finished for her birthday. February 1st?
While I was up there I had a dig through my huge pile of magazines. I was ruthless and only kept a few. They have projects which for me are 'MUST DO's'. I've been very good and put all the 'would like to do's' and 'maybe one days' into this pile here.

Not content with sorting the house, I got stuck into the laptop too. I've had a tidy up of my documents and emails. I've been through my favorites and updated my blog list. And all of that without a day off work! Speaking of work, I've been looking at the new rota, this new team leader of ours is pretty good. I seem to have a share of late shifts, something the old team leader never managed was to share out the late shifts. Yes, I'll continue to look for another job. It's disheartening to keep coming second best. Every interview I have I've been told I'm the runner up. The last gentleman who had to tell me that was very sympathetic and said that he couldn't give me any negative feedback, I was simply pipped at the post by someone who had more experience. This is my year, I will find another job.
Love your hanging for the New Year.
Have a good 2011
Hello Loulee, all the best with your job hunting, dont be disheartened you will make it...Warm Regards, Lyn
Well done on sorting the house out. That's something I want to do next week when my energy levels are back up.
Good luck with the job hunting. I'm sending lots of positive energy your way. I know your ideal position is out there for you.
If you feel the need to get rid of some magazines I'll gladly take them off your hands. drop me an email and we can work out some details such as what you want in return.
Love and hugs Gina xxx
Must be something about a new year, I spent ages taking obselete programmes off the computer the other morning. Making space in the sewing room will be a great incentive to get to sewing machine. Have fun with whatever you do next and wishing you every success in the job search. The right thing just hasn't turned up yet
Good luck with the job hunting . hope you get something you want . x
I'm "stuck in" to a big quilting job but once that's done I'm going to have a clean out of the house too. DD is moving and I can use her closet to store all the crap that seems to congregate in our room! I like to move my paintings and furniture around too--don't have any quilts on the walls just now but love yours!
It's so hard to part with those mags--when my sister was here over the holiday I had to confess I have kept every issue of AP&Q I've ever gotten (6 per year plus the Quilt Sampler), though I have purged others. Good work, Lou!
If your Australian magazines are surplus to requirements I'll happily swap some for a little wallhanging or whatever :)
That was a productive day then. Now would you like to pop over here and sort me out too? I really must have a tidy-up on my laptop of documents and photos, but I keep getting distracted.
As for being pipped at the post, at least you are getting interviews, so one day soon the right job will appear.
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