When it got here I flickered through it quickly before running out the door to work. Oh! I love those, Ooo, I must do these, yum look at that yarn, where can I buy that? That was all I had time to do for a few days, but each time I flicked, I drooled. So, the other day I was exhausted when I got in from work, I really couldn't be bothered doing anything, not even Freya's knitting, so I curled up with my new book and started to read. The author explains everything, from start to finish, working toe up or working down. There are patterns for all manner of sizes, ribbed and lacy socks. I could see me having hours of fun with this book. So aside from all these yummy yarns, what else do I need? An extra fine gauge sock loom. Did you ever try to find one of those in Britain? I wondered if anyone one else had been having similar frustrations, so I went back to Amazon to have a look at the reviews. Yep!! There is a lesson here. Next time I buy a crafty book from Amazon I'll be reading reviews before getting clicky! I'll have to wait quite a while for my extra fine gauge wondersock loom to come directly from the manufacturer. There WILL be loom knitted socks in my future.
As you know my Hunney Tony has finally finished his degree. In April we'll be off to Harrogate for his capping ceremony. We decided to make a little break out of it and will be staying for a whole week. Anybody live nearby? Want to meet? Tell me where to shop and what to see. We'll do the Museum, he wants to go to the baths and we've agreed to take a train ride day trip to Whitby, all good stuff, but I'm not going all that way without visiting a crafty shop or two, maybe I'll find some sock yarn! ROTF
Thanks for all the comments on yesterdays post. I think I'll take your advice and just keep on blethering about what ever comes to mind on the day. If you missed yesterdays post, look here for news about a couple of give aways for my regulars. Oh yes, this is post 595. :-)
Today I have a whole day off! I have a few things I want to finish up and then I'll curl up somewhere with David Attenborough (You know what I mean!) and work a little on Freya's latest.
I hope you get your loom soon and make lots of successful socks with it.
I suppose, being located on the opposite side of the world I'm not much help with what to see on your trip. However, a little while ago Marmalade Rose had a weekend in Whitby. This post is very informative, including shops for you to visit. http://marmaladerose.blogspot.com/search/label/Whitby
I know that we will spend a full day in Whitby after reading this. Of course, we have the Captain Cook connection as an added incentive to visit.
I can't wait to hear all about your week away. We might get some ideas for our trip.
I'm still to pluck up the courage to do socks. I will do it-one day
Mmm, socks, no I've never tried them. But they seem quite a popular thing to knit these days, I have seen some done recently by crafty friends and they look wonderful. Lots of lovely wool around these days. I will be interested to read and see pics of your sock loom, when it arrives.
Me, Me, MEEEE. I live about 25 miles away.
As for craft shops, try Embsay Mills - quilting, embroidery, tapestry, cross-stitch and, I think, knitting too. It's opposite a steam train station if your DH is interested.
You must have tea in Betty's Tea Rooms (world famous, old-fashioned tea room, waitresses in uniform, super cakes and service. You can google them.
I'd love to meet up.
I've thought of a name for your quilt too. How about Washday Blues or The shirts Off His Back?
I left a comment yesterday saying that I live about 25 miles from Harrogate and would love to meet up. I also recommended a couple of places to go and two names for your quilt, but I seem to have disappeared into thin air. I don't know what happened, but that happened to me a couple of times yesterday, boohoo.
LOL Your comment was here all along Sue, just waiting for me to approve it. Sorry about that work got in the way.
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