Wednesday 10 July 2019

Progress is slow.....

Following on from my single bowl cosy last week, my hand permitted me to make three more on Sunday. Sewing was not an issue, but cutting was! The pressure required of my left hand, to hold the cutting ruler in place was uncomfortable after a few cuts. 
I think though if I am careful I might be able to get back to making up the blocks for my down in the garden quilt. LOL No promises, you know how the mood can change, for no apparent reason. LOL
Once I had given up in my wee room I returned to the sitting room and decided to try a little crochet. I didn't want to push my wrist and thumb, so only worked two very slow rows, but progress was made and I have done a little more each day since. Although I'm taking it very slowly, I am enjoying my crochet again.
 While I was sewing and crocheting on Sunday, Tony was fishing with his dad and brother. They stayed out longer than usual as the fishing was slow, but did eventually come home with a good catch. 
They had their usual haul of Blue cod
 and sea perch or Jock Stewart as the skipper calls them.
Tony caught a tarakihi 
and a species new to him known as a leather jacket.
(All these pictures were taken off the WWW and are not mine!)
That's all my news for today. Later, after a few chores I may crochet, or I may continue with my blue stitchery.
First a trip into town to purchase felt for the back of my stitched owl. 


Janice said...

I’m glad you are able to make some crafty progress, even if it is just slow at this stage. The boys did well with their fishing. Blue cod is very yummy. We had some when we were in NZ. Mick went fishing back in November when we were down the coast and he caught a leather jacket, among others.

pollyanna said...

I'm glad you have been able to do a few things. Take it slow and easy so you can improve/gain more as you go along. Best to you!

Maria said...

Your bowls look very cosy in their shugs......
Pleased you are slowing getting back to your crocheting.
Take it easy with the cutting.
The guys brought home a nice fed....