Sunday 30 June 2024

The June Roundup.

Here we are at the end of another month. The end of June!  The year is half way done.
We here in the Southern hemisphere have passed the shortest day, so now the long slow climb back to summer begins. but first we must endure Winter. Brr, we had a good frost this morning. 
So what did I achieve in June? 
Once again I surprised myself and I am delighted with my accomplishments.
1) The Chookshed challenge.
This month was number 10 which for me meant I must make progress on my Papaver Pizazz project.
I'm happy to say that this project made great progress.
And a squirrel was born. 
It got stuck though.
Next up is my RSC Kiwi blocks.
They were quite late in the month, but they are done. 
Next on my list is to Cross stitch a Christmas ornament.
I have yet to complete Aprils ornament.
It wasn't completed in May, though it did progress.
No progress was made in June.
I'm also to make 15 minutes progress on something every day.
This I did do.
Each morning before work I have worked on my Windswept blocks.
The pile is nearly complete.
The block A pile that is, there are still blocks B and C to do.
I have also been doing a lot of crochet.
This is also being counted as my scrappy project at the moment as I am using up all manner of bits and pieces and leftovers.
My place mats also count as scrappy projects.
They were fun and bright to make. 
My final monthly goal is to try a new recipe.
I have a new book, so lots of new recipes have made it on to my wants to try list.
This book is a keto recipe book. Which we are told will be good for Tony to transition to when he comes off his carnivore diet. I am soooo looking forward to that day.
In preparation I have already begun to transition to a keto diet and have been trying out a few different things. Cutting out the carb rich foods has not been an issue, sugar was a challenge though!
I've been using stevia. The first time I try something using it there is a mental adjustment to make, but I soon get used to it.
So new recipes....
This first one is chocolate bark.
And an amazing, dense chewy chocolate brownie.
Which is amazing after I zap it in the microwave for a few seconds and serve with cream.
So that is my goals dealt with, what else have I done?
I had a sewing day with my pal Debbie and made progress on my spots and stripes EPP project.
And at work I made a paper doll.
A second doll is in progress.
And that was the month of June. 
I'm off to see what July will be about?


Jennifer said...

That brownie looks amazing.....well done on your June finishes!

ButterZ said...

Great progress. Your doll came out well.

Fiona said...

You have achieved heaps, love the scrappy crochet


Lianne makes stuff said...

Those poppies look amazing well done on all your June goals

dq said...

Wish we could taste everyone's recipes online. They always look mouthwatering.
You achieved so much in June. You are quite productive - always!!