Tuesday 2 July 2024

New month, new challenge, same old goals.

And sew we are now in July!
Time for a new Chookshed challenge. This month Deanna has drawn number one.
For me that means I must make a start on and hopefully complete the beautiful friendship bag we were gifted at Scrub Stitchin' last year.  Yes I know many of the ladies ensured that they were all working on this at the same time. Not me.
I pulled the kit out of it's hiding place yesterday but didn't get to do any more than that as I had an extra shift at work. Today hopefully I will be able to at least have a read of the instructions and maybe even make a start.
While we are here, let's take a look at my other goals for this month.
Yesterday morning while I was waiting for Deanna to draw out this months number I got myself busy and have already completed my two RSC Kiwi for this month.
I still have that unfinished Christmas ornament to cross stitch.
Maybe this month......?
I plan to continue with my early morning sewing and making Windswept blocks before work.
I also hope to continue with my 15 minutes of hand work each day. That could be working on the Friendship bag, my cross stitch or my crochet.
If I really am pushed for time or too tired to think it will probably end up being my crochet.
My crochet will also fit in to the work on a scrappy project goal as I am using up all manner of bits and pieces in this one.
And my final goal.
Try a new recipe.
So there you have it my goals for the month of July.
Now I'm off to complete some chores, then I'll play in my room while I wait for the shops to open. I need to go find a birthday gift for Miss Charmaine, who will be 8 on Friday. 


Louise said...

Aqua blue kiwi are a dream….so cute, cheers, Louise

Lin said...

Those bags aare gorgeous - I hope you get to finish yours. xx

Denice Barker said...

Good luck!