Sunday 13 October 2024


The wedding dress was almost complete, then we discovered that the bodice is pretty tight!
Hmm, we measured again and yes we got it right, the bride is smaller than she was and according to the pattern she should fit in to the smaller size......?
I blame the pattern, it's not a recognised brand but one that was found and purchased from an internet designer/seller.
I'm going back up to the larger size bodice and will take it in, down to her size, a LOT if I have to.
That is a job for this coming week. Good thing we bought plenty of fabric.
Meanwhile Chooky had two zoom sessions yesterday, so out came my Blue Lanterns EPP.
I added the last blue piece on the previous row and almost a whole row of white blocks.
I'm very happy with how this is looking.
I think two more rows of blue should do it.
I'll get them on and see how it looks.
I'm the holder upper here by the way, my usual holder upper has a sore shoulder so he was demoted to photographer. Sigh, I had to ask him to talk lots of pictures so I could chose the best. LOL
He thought only one was enough. Pft!!
In other news, I've been baking
On the left, banana muffins for my colleagues and on the right keto chocolate muffins for Tony and I. The chocolate muffins now have a yummy chocolate ganache topping.
In between zoom sessions yesterday we were busy in the garden. Our two mini greenhouses are now planted with capsicum and chilli peppers. There are also lettuce, raddish and spring onions in. Our potatoes have sprouted. More brocolli has been planted and two courgette. The cauli I planted in the Autumn is finally starting to look like it might heart up and produce a few heads. The winter brocolli is already finished, I got three flushes off that.
There is still a bit of space out there for something else, we'll have a think and plant something when we decide what.
Oh and I want to put some dwarf beans in somewhere too, probably in pots though.



kiwikid said...

Your EPP is growing very quickly Lou and looks wonderful. Great looking muffins, I hope the wedding dress does not give you any more headaches!! I have the same thing with quilt photos - always asked why 1 isn't enough!!!

Jennifer said...

Love your quilt, Lou! I haven't tried a pattern from an unknown company, but friends who have done so have learned to be cautious.

Lin said...

Nice work on your lanterns and looking great - very beautifully held up! Busy in your garden. We still have a few tomatoes in the greenhouse but much cooler at night now so they probably wont ripen. xx