Friday, 21 March 2025

A finish....

 I finished the stitching on Mums tablecloth yesterday. After a busy start to the day in the kitchen I settled myself into my arm chair and completed the last two flower clusters.

Not the greatest image and yes it's got lots of creases but it is done.
I even signed it for both of us. I should perhaps have written on before sewing, but didn't.
I just went for it.

If mum was eleven when she started it, that must have been 1955.
And I completed it in 2025.
70 years in the making.
It got a good rinse when I was done, and I left it soaking with a colour catcher all night, it is currently in the washing machine, once it is dried I will give it a good press and make a decision about one or two unintended marks that are on the fabric. 
While working on it I found three long red hairs which I am fairly sure were Mums.

I have put the remainder of the threads to one side for now. I think I may be able to use them when it comes time to do something with the other heirloom items.

While I was sewing yesterday the last of this summers tomatoes were bubbling away in the cauldron. I was using up a few bits a pieces to make a relish. No recipe, I was making it up as I chucked stuff in.
A few unripe tomatoes, a few over ripe tomatoes, one onion, a couple of capsicum, some chilli peppers and a small courgette. Add salt, curry powder, mixed spices and vinegar. Right at the end I added brown sugar substitute and a little flour to thicken it.
It smelled good, I hope it tastes good too.  

No such fun today, I need to go grocery shopping and do a few other quick jobs in town, before I get to play. Then it will be either my Chookshed challenge, quilting the poppies or I might just pull out some more stitching. I have more than a few hand sewn projects I could be getting on with. LOL And I seem to be in a hand stitching mood at the moment. I'll keep you informed. LOL


Jenny said...

How wonderful to have your heirloom tablecloth finished, I'm sure you will treasure it.

Jeanette said...

Beautiful tablecloth. Your relish sounds yummy.

Annelein said...

That must be very special finishing your mom's embroidery....

Janice said...

That is so special that both you and your Mum have both worked on this. So lovely to see it completed. Enjoy whatever you decide to work on next.

Lin said...

Lovely to have the pretty tablecloth finished after all those years. Use and enjoy. xx

Maria said...

Lovely to have completed Mums tablecloth.

Denice Barker said...

Such a treasure!

Janet O. said...

That really is a special thing that you could finish your Mum's tablecloth from when she was a girl.
You are braver than I when it comes to make a pot of relish. I hope it turns out to your liking! You'll have to let us know if your "just chuck it in" method was a success. ;)

kiwikid said...

Well done on the finish, very special to have something your Mum started.

cityquilter grace said...

what a precious heirloom...ordinary things with so many heartfelt memories's lovely and so dear...