Wednesday 28 May 2014

Coming for a walk?

Lets go to 'Dashing Rocks'.
Blogger has rearranged the photos, so I'll forget all about the meter by meter narrative and just comment on the images as they appear.
Many of the photos are looking back the way I came. It was a very bright and beautiful sunny day, this caused issues for the camera!

 I came home through a very crisp and autumnal Ashbury park. It was tempting to kick up the dry leaves.
 This is a very poor image of the headland.  The farthest point on my walk! The rocks reminded me very much of the Giants Causeway in Northern Ireland. They don't have the geometric beauty of the Irish coast, but they are volcanic in origin and are split and fractured. Today I looked out that way and the waves really were dashing out there. 
 I couldn't get right out onto the head land, it was all fenced off.
Just around the corner and through the trees, there are two abattoirs.
 In spite of the smell I did wander around the little cove to look back at the headland.
 I couldn't continue on the coastal path as the tide was in and blocking my way.
 So I turned around and headed back the way I had come.

 Right back to where this blog post should have started! LOL

 Looking down from the cliffs into Caroline bay.
 There was a HUGE ship in the port.

 I walked all the way out there. Around the coast, under the trees and around the headland.
 The men at work stopped working and leaned on their shovels as I went by.
 The mountains looked majestic in the sun as I set off, by the time I got back to this point, they were shrouded in thick grey cloud.
 As I walked, I kept an eye on the comings and goings out on the water.

 Something to do with the men at work perhaps?

There you go, a wandery all over the place look at my walk!!
If there had been fewer pictures I may have tried to make sense of them.
When I got home, I made soup and scones, then sat with my crochet.
A lovely relaxing afternoon.
I'm almost done on the colourful shrug. The back and shoulder seams were closed up twice this morning. Yes that's right, twice!! 
I spotted something I didn't like so I did a little ripping.
I'm now adding rows to the bottom edge, just to make it a little longer. I should get it finished tonight. 
We got word this morning that we can expect our possessions to be delivered either Tuesday or Wednesday next week!
The department of agriculture and fisheries and the customs department both opted to open and inspect my Christmas decorations!
I do hope they didn't break anything. There is some fragile stuff in those boxes.


Diane-crewe said...

wooopie!! container will be with you VERY soon x Loved the walk .. sounds as if I should be grateful for ... non.. smelly vision xx

QuiltSue said...

What a lovely walk, I really enjoyed the exercise and fresh air as well as the scenery! Thanks for taking us with you.

What exciting news about your belongings. I bet you can hardly wait to get them so you can start to feel you are living in your house, not just camping!

Janice said...

A lovely walk. I'm glad we don't have smellablog. Them there hills look a little chilly. No wonder it is cold when the wind blows from that direction. Do the winters there get colder than the IOM? Maybe the customs fellows felt like a little Christmas cheer? I hope everything arrives safe and sound. You will be busy soon.

Gari in AL said...

Love the pictures: you have certainly landed in a beautiful place. And you are getting a lot of exercise. One more week and you can truly start to be moved in and settled. Yea!!