Monday, 8 February 2010

First Border is Done.

So the first round of border is done. I finished this off on Friday.
I eventually managed to get most of the corner stones to play nicely.
There are still one or two that are a little off and one which is waaay off! Tough, it will have to stay that way. I left it alone all weekend and spent time with my family. Bliss. Today is a day off work, the first of many and I have plans.
I've been back into my scrap box digging about trying to decide what to do for the next border.
I think......maybe some sashed four patches, hmm, time to do some sums and see if I can get that to work. Though last night I was thinking of just a whole bunch of 2.5 inch squares, 3 maybe 4 deep all around, that would be a bit easier to tweak if things don't fit perfectly.
I'm going to play.
Take care.


Janet said...

I love it! Very pretty.

Allie said...

Wow is that beautiful - good for you on the cornerstones, I never have success with those [left them off my last quilt, yes, I'm a chicken].

Cardygirl said...

It is looking good!