I really enjoyed myself making all these stars. Here they are, all 64 of them all stacked up.

I had a dig through my recycled stash and came up with a valanced bed sheet. The gathered valance trim seems to go on and on for miles, just what I need.

After spending an age removing and pressing it, I cut sashing strips,

loads of 'em.

And now I'm attaching them. This part seems tedious after making up the stars, with all that jumping up from the machine to press them and line up the next piece, the sooner I get this part done, the sooner I can get to the pieced border. Apart from a 7x9 layout and a pieced border I'm not committing to anything because as is often the way with me, I'm not following a pattern, just making it up as I go along.
I have another hour to play before I have to get ready for work.
Take care.

What a great way to use up your scraps and the valance. going to end up with something beautiful
I do love to recycle, especially fabric! Looks like you're keeping busy.
The valance looks perfect for the sashings. Can't wait to see the finished top.
what a wonderful way to use up scraps, that valance looks perfect for the sashings! What good recycling
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