I kept meaning to take the camera to work on a snowy day. Yesterday I finally remembered.
On the sewing front, I haven't done anything since layering and pinning the quarters of Joe's quilt. Work and life and stuff have just got in the way. I'm shattered too, I'm back to those nights where I just can't stay asleep. I was up at 5am yesterday and again today. I have been planning what to do next though. I'll be back in the scraps box.
Jonny is still not well. He was hoping to rejoin the boat on Monday, but he is still getting flushes of temperature and pains in his ears. He is not resting properly and allowing himself to heal. I am so worried about him.
I'm off to get a cuppa. Take care.

We've got more snow falling now. Sorry to hear that Jonny still isn't well. Maybe another visit to the doctor if he doesn't pick up in a few days
Great pics and best wishes for a speedy recovery for Jonny!
Hugs - Lurline♥
WE have had about 6" of snow here in the Midlands - which is very unusual. I like the snow - if I don't have to drive in it! So over half term I've been fine, but I'm hoping it'll melt before I go back to work tomorrow!
love the snowy pics...we just got 7 inches of snow up here too...but no complaining from me cause we need the moisture! hope Jonny feels better soon...sending some healing juju his way! hugs~
HI Loulee,
It is always this time of year that I begin to wish for spring but here in Alberta - it will be at least another 6 weeks before we will see real greenery and spring buds.
Hope that Jonny is soon recovered from his illness.
Be well,
Oh dear I'm sorry to hear that Jonny still isn't healed - I'll keep praying for him!
I love your snowy pictures. That is about as much snow as we ever get here, if we're lucky! It's no good that Jonny isn't better yet. I hope he is OK in time to head out again (I hope you mean next Monday, not the next day).
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