C'mon Hunney, I know I'm not well, but I won't stand for this. You have a whole study upstairs to dump your stuff in and you're overflowing into my stitchy space down here.

I've been back to the doc, and been signed off work for another week and have more tablets to take. Much as I want to get on with this project, I didn't do a thing to it yesterday, I may do a little today though, I'll see how things go.
Take care.

Don't you hate it when you are sick enough to stay home from work but too sick to sew?
So sorry you are still not feeling well. Hope the meds help. Your finish in the last post is wonderful. I love how scrappy it is!
Hubby & have totally separate spaces lol Mine isn't even inside the house. We tried to coexist for a while... this way is much better. (Yes, wifi does reach my studio, so I can play online if I am not sewing.)
hope you feel much better very soon Lou
Sorry to hear you're not well. It's doubly annoying that it's non-specific - it's much better if you can point at something and say 'I've broken my leg!' rather than something which doesn't even have a firm diagnosis but is definitely real!
It's no good that you are not well yet. Take care and rest. How is Jonny going? I hope he is getting better.
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