Happy Valentines Day. I sent my lovely off to work today with Heart shaped cuff links, some heart shaped chocs in his lunch pack and of course his
apple cosy. :-) We exchanged cards before he left.
This being my 600th post I promised to do a draw of all the comments on the last few posts in order to have a give away, but we were so busy being lovey dovey this morning I forgot to get him to do it! I'll get Joe to do it later. Just so you know, there are 40 names going into the hat for the 600th post give away and twelve names for the name that quilt surprise. Some of you will have more than one entry, because you commented on more than one post. :-) I still didn't decide on a name for
the shirt quilt! Hence the need for a draw to decide who wins! LOL
Speaking of Joe, during their cooking lesson today they have to make something for Valentines, but were told not to do heart shaped cookies, or cup cakes with heart shaped decorations. After a bit of thought I came up with
Raspberry Meringues and Joe agreed. Yummy, can't wait.
The only time I spent up in my sewing room recently was to pull out my button tin and collect the iron so I could do the boring household ironing. :-( Instead I've been busy knitting. I finished off the Aran jacket mentioned in the last post. It consented to go together with no more dramas or ripping outs! LOL Remember my post,
grumbling about socks? Well my knitting magazine turned up, with a free set of sock pins and a sock knitting guide. Look what I did!

I've actually made three socks, but the first one had a couple of ventilation holes! So I tried again. You can't really tell here but they are only tiny, size 0 - 6 months. The yarn is Opal's
Circus Clown. I have another sock yarn here to play with, but that can wait for another time. For now I've cast on another cardigan using the bright pink yarn which I bought
way back here. I got about half way up the back last night. I must admit to being a little bored with it. After knitting up the Aran, then the steep learning curve with the socks, learning to knit on 4 needles, turn a heel and make toes all inside a day, the plain stocking stitch of a very plain little cardigan is boring! LOL I was however able to watch a movie while I knitted and have finally seen Avatar.
It's my long weekend off work, so after a busy couple of days with Tony, Joe and Mum, I finally have time to relax. Though today I plan to make a special dinner for Tony, we agreed not to go out this evening as we're trying to save our pennies. It's Beef Wellington for dinner. Followed, I hope by Joes Raspberry Meringues.
Time to play. (Spell checker is not working! If there are any clangers, you'll work it out!)