So what has been keeping me away from my sewing and blogging?
Well for a start we had this young man all day yesterday. Torstein is nearly 3 now and very much interested in the world around him. Sitting here with the sun streaming in through our big windows he discovered reflections yesterday and was fascinated watching them move and dance on the ceiling and walls, once I had shown him how to do it by moving his toys.
It was wonderful to see the awe and amazement on his face.
He also spent some time with Grandad who was taking apart a game console that had stopped working. Torstein was happy to watch and make several trips to the tool cupboard to fetch screwdrivers and other important items. Grandad also spent some time reading and looking at the pictures in the Fire engine book. He loves to sit up beside Grandad at the table when it is time to eat. For his tea he demolished a big plate of butter chicken, rice and naan bread.
Yesterday was a good day.
Today and over the last couple of weeks I have been spending a lot of time out in the garden. This image is the third pile of pea straw bales delivered to our place. A total of six dozen bales.

I have been busy laying it onto our gardens to keep the weeds down. It's taken a long time (As in years) to convince him, but Tony has finally allowed me to do this.
It was a lot of work to get it all done.
Not just on the garden beds, but also along the dirt path at the very back of the property.
We have quite a long fence line which could do with one or two repairs.
There is still one garden bed to tidy up before I put more straw down. It's good to get it done.
The feijoa trees have dropped almost all of their fruit now, I've done lots of baking and even made some feijoa jam. Here it is in the cauldron.
Maybe now that most of the garden jobs are completed and things are all tidy for the winter, I just might get a little more sewing time in. I have made time for sewing, taking myself in to my little room each day, even if I only had time to sew one block.
One is better than none right?
I have a few of Jude's ready set sew blocks made now, but have put them aside today, in order to make a start on a new quilt. Miss Charmaine has her birthday in a months time and has requested one of Nanny's quilts please. I fished about in the stash after tea last night and found a bundle of scrappy 10 inch squares. It was a bundle I bought quite a while ago especially to make a girly quilt for Charmaine. We looked at the fabrics together and she seemed to approve, well she had lots of favourites. LOL
I did a little work on them before I sat down here to blog. I'll get pictures soon, I hope.
Torstein is also very fond of Nanny's quilts and blankets, each time he visits he asks if he can take a blanket home. LOL He has taken some, but we have managed to convince him that he must leave some here to snuggle in too. I must get my grans old airer out and show him how to make a blanket den/playhouse.
Well that's my news. All my chores are done, I might go read a few blogs, then pull out my cross stitch.
I hope you're having a great weekend.
Such a lovely time with your grandson. They are always a delight. Lots of pea straw there lol. We used to put newspaper down first, then the straw. A Permaculture thing. It is so lovely that your grandies want your quilts.
Torstein is a cute little guy! One day he will be a clodhopping teenager....well done on the gardening, and on making one block. Progress is progress, no matter how small.
Having a grandchild spend the day is the best distraction to have. Love it. So pleased you had a good time.
That is a lot of work in your garden, but it sure is worth it.
Lovely to see a childs eye open in front of you. Great work with all that mulching. xx
he is such a are so blessed lou to have grands...
How fun spending time with young Mr T..... I think its a good reminder when we see how exciting life is through young eyes.... Great work in the garden.... not only keeps the weeds down but looks good too...
Awe Lou, the cute little man playing at your house must be so entertaining! Those grands are truly so wonderful especially when we see them view the world a little different. They love to learn.
Yummy looking jam and lovely yard! Jealous - I seriously need to put some time into mine but I would rather sew.
Also, you go girl even if it just one block a day. Any progress is great progress if it makes you happy.
Such a lovely day you both spent with your grandson.
Boy that’s a lot of work spending the pea straw but will be great to keep those weeds down.
A little sewing is better than none.
You have been busy. There is nothing nicer than seeing kids discover new things for the first time. It’s good you have your garden bedded down for the winter. Mick loves mulch on the garden. It looks tidy too. Good luck with your new projects. It’s nice that your quilts are appreciated.
It sounds like you all enjoyed the day with Torstein...time with the grandies is so precious. Good on you with the garden work, nice and snuggly for winter - the pea straw will break down into a lovely layer of humus too...I wonder if you will get pea plants sprout in the spring - like we got barley plants after using barley straw once! Hope you're able to make Charmaine's quilt in time for her birthday - lucky young lady :-)
Looks very busy at your house. Grand children are the best.
Torstein is such a cutie, isn't it just so great to be able to spend time with grandies. I love what you did in in the garden, it's so worth it to get on top of the weeds, you'll smile whenever you look at all your hard work.
Hope you're having a great weekend
Good lord Lou - as I saw the photos of the pea straw bales you made me worry: I thought you have been spreading frazzeld (?spelling :/) hay everywhere! In German we have a saying: Wer Lesen kann ist klar im Vorteil - Who can read has clearly an advantage :) :) :)
Funny how some husbands need convincing about simple things. Mine is still trying to grow tomatoes in the shade. No comments are required..LOL
Fun times with your grandchildren. Your quilts will be very special to them - esp when they helped you.
Wonderful to spend the day with your grandson, isn't it great when they discover new things. Well done with the pea straw, I have the same problem here,so sometimes I just go and buy a bale of cane sugar straw and spread it - I work on the theory that once it is down that is it, it can;t be taken back!! Do you get pea plants growing from the straw? Enjoy that quilt and air dryer fort!! Great times.
As I scrolled on down and saw the photo of your block, I thought I recognised some of the fabrics, and then as I read, I could see why!!
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