Sunday 2 June 2024

May Round Up.

The month of May started with a burst of creativity. I pulled out my Debbie Mumm scraps and discovered I had made more blocks that I remembered.
It really didn't take long for me to make a few more blocks and complete the top.
Then things slowed down a lot!
I made some more of my scrappy placemats and wrote a requirements list and tutorial.
I made time to sew my RSC pink Kiwi foundation paper blocks.
Throughout the month I have continued to make up my scrappy triangle blocks and put some of them together making up a small quilt panel, planning to add borders, but after a day or two of thinking about it, I added some more blocks before the borders went on.
Much better.
Very happy to have a second completed top this month.
On a roll with finishes I completed the crochet blanket I started last year for my son and his lovely lady.
It is good to have it complete.
It was a close call though, look how much yarn was left.
I also found time to make progress on my Chook shed challenge, I've made up quite a few blocks.
These have now moved in to my morning slot and will hopefully progress nicely as I make up blocks before going to work.
I also tried out a new recipe.
This chocolate and peppermint slice was delicious.
I will definitely be making this one again.
Here's a linky if you are interested.

Is it just me or has blogger changed the way it does linkys now?  

Every day I managed to put in a minimum of 15 minutes of something stitch related.
And I have worked on three scrap projects.

One final note on my May progress.
I didn't manage to complete my cross stitch ornament.
So on that note, I need to go and find my June  Chook shed project and write a post about my June plans. 


Jennifer said...

Slice looks yummy.....well done on the leftover yarn!

Jeanette said...

Lovely projects. Yes blogger has changed how your do a link, it's annoying. Love that slice , used to make it quite a lot when the kids were little.

Denice Barker said...

It doesn't look like you've slowed down a bit!

Fiona said...

Great progress on a lot of different projects... I do like the scrappy triangles in coordinated colours...

ButterZ said...

Your Debbie Mumm Churn Dash has turned out great. This would have fit in when others were making their churn dash.
You have done some great work this month. Very productive.

Anorina @SameliasMum said...

Wow, talk about playing yarn chicken! You did well finishing the blanket with only that little bit left over. It looks fantastic.

Your slice looks very yummy. Is your carnivore able to eat any yet or will you get to have it all yourself?

Anorina @SameliasMum said...

Wow, talk about playing yarn chicken! You did well finishing the blanket with only that little bit left over. It looks fantastic.

Your slice looks very yummy. Is your carnivore able to eat any yet or will you get to have it all yourself?

Chookyblue...... said...

OMG your so busy girl........cute kiwis.......

dq said...

Lou, you are getting so much done this year and especially this month. It seems to me that you have reached all of your goals. I thought you were not a goal person (tease).

Raewyn said...

A productive month Lou. Well done ;-)