Sunday 16 June 2024

Mid Month progress.

So how am I doing on my list of goals for June?  Mid month is a good time to check things over.
Yesterday was club day, I took along a wee kit to make up some of my place mats. I only got one made.
I was busy chatting with the other ladies. Only one other lady opted to make mats using my pattern, but once they saw how easy they are to make and how pretty they can turn out others said they would make some too. One lady said that she was planning a huge colourwash bed quilt using the same technique.
Can't wait to see that.
So as you see I used some Kaffe scraps for this one and I have more than enough left to make more.
I didn't make my RSC Kiwi yet, but I'll get to them soon.
I just needed to clear some space on the table.
With that in mind I have spent a lot of today working on the applique poppies which are my Chookshed Challenge this month.
Very happy with my progress. 
I was watching another lady at club yesterday as she did some free motion applique/quilting.
I hope I learned enough to get this one over the line. Maybe even by the end of the month.
While I was tossing and turning at dark silly O'clock this morning my mind wandered to a bundle of blue and white squares that came to me in a bundle of someone else's scraps. Two rows of four had already been sewn together. 
A squirrel was born in the wee small darks hours and once I had completed the applique on the black and white quilt, out came the squares and before I knew the squirrel was in progress. The flowers on the black and white quilt are way too big for this piece, but I knew I had another pattern that would do just the trick.
As you can see I still have some leaves to add and maybe a bud.
I'll also need to look out a good border fabric.
That's as far as those two go today.
I have been making windy blocks before work, I'm very happy that I opted to keep that going. 
My cross stitch has grown, but only a little.
The crochet is growing steadily.
And I've tried not one but three new recipes!
A pal who is moving house was having a sort out and gifted me some new recipe books, very inspiring. More about that another time.


Lin said...

Your poppies are blooming beautifully! xx

cityquilter grace said...

dark silly o'clock??? i love it...i get good ideas then as well...nice projects all around

dq said...

Love, love, love the poppies on the blue and white squares!! That squirrel keeping you awake was a good one.

Jennifer said...

Your poppy garden is growing!

Jeanette said...

Both poppies look lovely. Love Kaffe placemat.

Tazzie said...

You've been such a busy bee. The placemats are lovely, and the poppies are fabulous!
*hugs* Tazzie

ButterZ said...

The poppies are so pretty. You are doing great with all your projects

Rose Marie said...

Those designs we think of at dark silly o'clock are always intriguing. You are having fun with that new design!

Chookyblue...... said...

the poppies are looking good............
and trust you to find a squirrel.........

Karen S said...

The poppies are looking lovely.

Raewyn said...

Your Poppy quiltS are growing nicely. A very effective fesign for your placemats.

Susan said...

At least you made good use of that non-sleeping time at "dark silly O'clock "... love that phrase.

I think I have that Poppy pattern...hiding in a dark box least when I see it I will have some ideas....LOL

kiwikid said...

At least these keeping you awake squirrels were productive ones, love the poppies.