Sunday 23 June 2024

This, that and some other things.

I've had a busy week. I made some changes to my Poppy quilt top. See the first full flower, next to the bud? I didn't get it aligned correctly with the stem and it was yelling at me. As the flowers and stems are vliesofixed in place I couldn't unpick and move anything. 
What to do?
I decided that another stem, correctly aligned was the way to go. OK so now I have two stems going up to one flower, but maybe the extra one has a bud hiding behind that big bloom. LOL I can live with that a lot easier than my previous effort.
You should never have an even number of flower stems, so I decided to add an extra bud also.
Much better, now to get on with layering and quilting.
Still thinking about that.....
Progress has been made on my ripple crochet. It looks more colourful in real life.
It's a very dull day here and difficult to get a nice photo.
At work we do crafts and other activities with the residents. I came across a video on facebook and decided to have a try...
She is made of rolled newspaper. I still have a long way to go. I'm hoping that after a practice I can help some of the ladies make their own paper doll.
Yesterday I spent the day at Debbie's house. The boys were away at a concert so we girls got together for a stitchy day. I took along my spots n stripes EPP as it really needed some love. I made up a bunch of hexie blocks.
And also added another row and a bit on to the top.
Again, sorry about the poor photo, it really isn't a nice day here.
Tired of stitching I also spent some time cutting and basting the border pieces. 
The speed I'm going at, the end is in sight, a long way away, through a telescope, but in sight. LOL
While I was doing that, Debbie was busy with some fabric that she has had for many years. She didn't say how many, but I'm guessing at over ten, so nicely matured. There was only the pattern in her head, and her fabric bundle. She asked for a little help to figure out what size to make the sashing pieces then set to work sewing up a storm.
It was quilted and she had started to close the binding before we said goodnight. I just had a message saying she was just about finished. She kept the quilting simple so as not to take anything away from the beautiful Japanese images on each of the blocks.
A quilt in a day.
It was a great day and we hope to have another soon. 



Jenny said...

What a lovely day you two girls spent together.

Jennifer said...

It's always fun sewing with a friend!

Lin said...

That extra bud works a treat! Nice work on your projects and lovely finish by your friend. xx

Raewyn said...

Great save with your poppies - your solution to the misplaced stem was a good idea. Looks like a wonderful and inspiring day with Debbie. Days like that are precious.

cityquilter grace said...

how fun to have a quilty play date!! love the poppies...and the hexies too...a great productive day

Susan said...

You did a great job on "resuing" your poppies.
The EPP is certainly growing
Lovely quilt by Debbie - those blocks certainly speak for themselves.

Fiona said...

I love your poppies! it is so effective and really striking..... Stitching with friends is a great way to get things done...

Ondrea said...

Great idea with the poppies. Looks beautiful. Love your EPP. So bright and cheery.

Ma Betty said...

I love all your progress. One day I'll be able to progress a bit with my projects. Love the poppies.

ButterZ said...

You have done well with your projects.

dq said...

No one will notice the stem situation - it looks great!!
You are just amazing with your EPP. You go girl!

kiwikid said...

I love your poppy quilt no matter how many stems there are!! The paper doll looks interesting. Lovely to have a sewing day together with Debbie, her quilt is beautiful.