I think by now you know I work for a charitable organisation called Leonard Cheshire Disability. I have two roles within the company and work in two different places.
My office role is based in Onchan and here you see the new computer drop in centre. We're looking to get some new desks which are more accessible for wheel chair users, but so far so good, all that you see here was donated by local businesses.

My other role, that of support worker, takes place here in Ramsey, I don't have many photos and they were all taken out side, but you can see what a beautiful area the building is in.
This beautiful patio area runs the whole length of the building and the service users all have access to it through their back doors.
In the spring months all those willows are what causes my hay fever, they are beautiful though, in the summer we sometimes have BBQs and often sit out in the sun, it is a very sheltered garden and even a breezy day is nice.
Although we are close to town you really wouldn't know it as we rarely hear traffic and are often visited by wildlife. This guy is a regular.

I've had very little time for sewing these last couple of days, but I plan to remedy that this evening. I had a day out with DS1 Johnny yesterday, I made the most of him, he'll be going back to join the fishing boat in Scotland soon. It's my weekend at work, and it looks like work is going to continue to get in the way for a while, so I'll have to snatch family and sewing time where ever I can for at least a week.
Janice and her husband are home and I had a lovely email from her today, perfect timing, I was just thinking about her this morning and wondering if they had recovered from their long flight. It was good to hear from her and I know I keep on saying it, but I'll say it again, I loved meeting with them and enjoyed our time together.
My sewing machine is calling to me, I'm off to play a little with the 'Butterfly on my Heart' block I started the other day.
1) The kids washed up after dinner.
2) A day out with Johnny.
3) PS2.

1 comment:
It's make working so much better when you are in such lovely surroundings
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