Joe and I didn't make it to
Laxey yesterday. We got as far as the ATM, which told me I couldn't have any money, so it was into the bank and the land of disbelief! We've been ripped off again, this time to the tune of £1500! Which
pushed us into the red. I spent the rest of the morning on the phone to the fraud department and going back to the bank to organise an overdraft so we won't be hit with charges too. And I had to get hold of Tony (
Hunney) and get him to sign bits of paper and chop up his card, cause the transaction went through on his card. Fortunately we do have money in our savings account, but I never even thought of using that yesterday, I'll draw on it today.
Ladies, please, please, be careful when you make your online purchases.
Hunney and I are very careful, we take all the extra precautions offered by our bank and by other means of
varification, but still we got stung.
Instead of heading off for the tram Joe and I came home and had a sandwich while I sorted out the mess, then later on knowing that the tide was in, we headed inland, through
Poyll Dooey.

The tide was
waaay in!

The sky was a beautiful blue.

We rejoined the road and walked some more.

Passed this place.....

We saw some beautiful flowers,

I've always loved this building.

We walked in country lanes....

To the Garey Ford.

I crossed on the bridge, but Joe preferred to paddle.

This guy washed his bike!

The locals were very friendly.

We walked home along the same route.

Seeing many more beautiful flowers.

And one or two pretty friends.

Neither of whom would open her wings for a photo shoot.

We got home all tired out, with just enough time for a cuppa before we started to make dinner for
Yesterday evening I was all at a loss, I didn't know what to do with myself.
I thought about getting my French Roses out, but....Nah!
I thought about cutting denim, but ....Nah!
I thought about printing and prepping some more stitchery, but ....Nah!
In the end I got my cutting mat out and started a new project. Something red.
1) Hunneys calming influence.
2) The savings account.
3) Another bright sunny day.
Hi Lou,
what bad luck about your credit card, that has happened to me also after travelling overseas, but the credit card company was really very good about it!
The photos are such a treat, they are very lovely, what a beautiful country area,
have fun, Shiree
It never ceases to amaze me just what absolute sh*ts there are out there. Sorry you got caught - the photos are gorgeous though even if that's small compensation
Sorry this happened to you! We had a $2500 charge show up on our credit card years ago---no idea how they ever got the number. The thieves filled up numerous vehicles at a gas station and then hit the sports stores for all kinds of name brand gear (think gangsta). Luckily we were not responsible but it was a pain anyway. Thanks for sharing all the pics, it is such a pretty way to talk a walk with you!
Things like that throw you, puts you all out of sorts
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