Here's my Hunney at about the half way point, he doesn't look too frazzled does he?

This phoenix is amazing in real life. It was made by Ferret. If you want to look at more of her work you can see it

Who put that pole there? The Quilt above is beautifully made by Jenny Bowker. I wish I could put the makers names with all of them. My report card should read can do better, must try harder.

I saw lots of fantastical creatures and somehow managed to miss out on pictures of dragons, we saw a few of them.
There are still more pictures.

I really love to see the quilts and I am honoured to be included - but please credit the makers by putting their names with their work.
The variety of quilts is amazing. I recognise Jenny Bowker's quilt of the Olgas. She is so talented. "Hunney" seemed to be surviving OK.
He looks like he's having a good time, lol!
The Phoenix is one of my quilts, as Jeny says, I'm flattered you liked my work, but it would be nice if you listed the makers. I am in the process of putting up a virtual tour of all the quilts in my gallery over on my blog if anyone would like to see more of my work.
Whups, Just spotted the typo, Jeny should have read Jenny. Sorry
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