Well, the fabric I ordered arrived in a very short time. Wonderful. This morning I set about getting a border onto my lovely 16 patch quilt. I'm now toying with the idea of a second off white border, what do you think? Another narrow white border? a wide white border? or just leave it as it is? It currently measures 93 x 85 inches.

I have a piece of dream green on order, but the place where I get it is rather slow, it's probably going to be a couple of weeks before I get to revisit this one, unless I decide to add another border that is. I know one thing, before I do anything more with this one I need to open up the table extension, I struggled with it today and didn't think of that at all, until it was too late. LOL
As you can see one of my quilt angels just had to be in the pictures. LOL

Cheeky little monkey!
Time for me to tootle off to bed, I do hope I sleep, I have an early shift tomorrow.
1) Quilt angels.
2) 5 more sleeps till Birmingham.
3) 69 sleeps till New Zealand.

I think that is looking great, up to hou on another border, but I would almost lean towards the whiter colour of the sashings if I did go another, good job! Hope you sleep, try calcium tablets, they are great for more than osteoporosis prevention! Tracey
Looks great! I wouldn't do any more.
I wouldn't add a white border. It is beautiful as it is and I really like the darker border on the outside.
That is so, so pretty!!!! I love it. I think if you do another border, I'd go with the same color as the sashing....it is really lovely!
Hi Loulee,
that is one wonderful quilt, I guess it depends on how big you actually want it as to adding another border or not. I was really disappointed with a quilt that I did last year, if I had added another border, it would have draped nicely over the side of the bed that I wanted to put it on, (and looked better -now I use it as a comforter and it still looks good), but I rather foolishly didn't try it out on the bed before quilting it, and by then too late! So check out where you might want to use it now..... and then decide. Will check back and see what you decide on..
This goes really well with the blocks. Shame the other fabric will take some time to get to you
Great quilt...I am with Shiree, another border depends on what you will use it for. I think it looks great as it is.
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