Look what came home with Hunney yesterday. He does this, just buys flowers. Just because.

This picture really doesn't do them any justice, it's a huge bouquet of chrysanthemums and lilies. He always buys lilies, I love them. Yesterdays 'because' was that he had to work on my weekend off. He really is a Hunney
So, while he worked, I played. I quilted near the ditch around all of the 16 patch blocks.

At times it was easy and I had fun, but at other times it was a little harder!

My poor arms and shoulders were tired from pushing and pulling the bulk of the quilt through my little sewing machine. I think I'm doing OK

I've started to work in the sashing, I'm about halfway done, then onto the borders. I'm undecided about what to do with the borders at the moment.
1) Beautiful Flowers.
2) My Hunney.
3) 55 Days.
Your poor hands and shoulders!! What a feat tho. Love the auditioning of the threads tho LOL
I see you are going to NZ! How exciting ... I used to live there. You will love it.
The TV ads used to say "come to NZ and see the world" because there is something different wherever you go.
Thanks for the name of the Cirque cross stitch! I am terrible at times for forgetting what patterns are called!!
That looks like hard work. What a lovely, cheerful bunch of flowers
You are one Lucky Girl and you deserve it!
Hugs - Lurline♥
Boy, aren't you lucky! Do I also spy gum leaves in that bouquet?
Quilting can get quite tiring when it is large. You are doing really well to have so much done already.
What a sweetie - those flowers are gorgeous! You're getting a LOT done on that quilting - it looks great- I love the backing. My arms are aching on your behalf - yikes, that's a lot of quilt to get under the needle.
Quilting can be so difficult with a machine sitting on a table or desk, can't it? I dream of someday owning a sewing desk where the machine is inset and the wrestling will die down to a manageable level! Very pretty flowers from your man, how sweet. I love mums and lilies. I always tell my DH not to buy me roses--there are so many other great flowers that don't cost a fortune!
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