One week today I have a day off work, I booked it especially so that I would have a whole day to have a good clean up, change the bed linen and get the laundry done. Hunney and I will need to pack. We plan to stay awake all night to begin the process of adjusting to being on the other side of the world. A week tomorrow we'll be on our way.

You all know what Moda tape looks like don't you? It comes wrapped around Moda Jelly rolls and fat quarter bundles. What do you use yours for?
Or do you just chuck it out? I love to use mine up. It makes great handles. Hmm, a sneak peek at another SSCS gift. I wonder what it could be? LOL
It's a morning off work for me. Hunney is home, he is revising for his exam on Tuesday, the day before my mine! I have a little piece of stitchery going, which I plan to use on a bag. I should have time to make good progress on that today, maybe even get it nearly done before I have to head off to work.
Have you been looking at the Online quilt festival. There are some beautiful quilts. Keep on checking back, there are new people joining in every day. I love the simplicity of this one. So sweet. The central medallion of this one is stunning. Please don't be upset if I don't link to your quilt! There are over 600 entries and I only point out what is my favourite at that moment! LOL In 20 minutes I'll have changed my mind.
Well if I'm going to make serious headway on my new bag I'd better move myself.
1) The count down is getting shorter.
2) Hundreds of inspiring quilts.
3) Hunney made me a cup of tea. :-x

Exciting times! You're very brave to be staying up all night before you go. There are so many theories on avoiding jet lag - hope this one works for you!
I hope this week doesn't go too slowly for you. Good luck to you both with your respective exams
Only a week!
I save my Moda tape, I'll use it someday for something, lol.
And I'm spending FAR too much time looking at all the quilts!
Thankyou for linking to my quilt - I loved making it.
I'm just waiting for pictures to come through after it has been given to it's new little one. Hopefully I'll be able to post one. But yeah, it's hard to let them go and it's odd to think I'll never see it again - the others I've made were for family!
Good luck with the exam
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