Yep! It's all done for now. I have one final session in Warrington on 21st October, just a couple of days before we leave for our holiday and wedding! I'll have 4 more hours of facilitated learning, I have to do a short presentation and an exam. I'll also collect the last batch of homework! I'm hoping the course facilitator will send at least the reading part to me before that, so that I can make a start. I don't actually have to have the final piece of homework completed until the beginning of December, but it would be nice to get it all out of the way before we go and not have to come back to anything. We'll see how that goes.
So, homework completed, that means I have time for the nicer things in life again. Today is a late shift, so I have a couple of hours to play now and tomorrow is a day off. More than enough time to put the finishing touches onto my SSCS gift.
That's all I have to say today.
1) The countdowns are getting shorter......all of them!
2) Sunshine.
3) Less pressure, more time to play.

Enjoy yourself. You deserve some time to play after all that hard work
Congrats on getting it done - so glad you can commence playing!
Woo Hoo! Now you can start getting things all ready for the big trip.
Good luck with the presentation and exam
Countdowns for a trip seem to go faster the closer the time gets and you are trying to think of all the things you're supposed to take with you or get done! I hope you do get some advance on your homework so you don't have to face that immediately as a newlywed :)
Busy, busy, busy! No doubt it'll be worth it in the end. Keep going!
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