I'm off to Warrington for my exam today and to collect my final slab of homework. So that will be almost the end of that. I'll try to get the homework completed before we leave, not much time though.....
Only Three Days!

You know I am remarkably calm, but always in the back of my mind there is / was todays exam, I think once that is out of the way I'll let go and start to get a bit more excited. I can feel that kid at Christmas feeling bubbling away under the exam nerves.
AnnieO asked if I'll be blogging from the bottom of the world? Yes, I'll have internet access, so it won't be as often, but I will be blogging.
Allie asked if I'm all packed yet? Nope, the suitcases are still in storage. I think it's that exam thing again. Hunney had his exam yesterday and still has three days of work to do. We'll be awake all night on Friday, plenty of time to pack. I have started to gather little piles of goodies here and there though.
1) The last day of my course.
2) Hunneys studies are done for this year.
3) Only three days left.
Hope the exam went well...have a safe trip...look forward to seeing the pics!
Hope it all goes well with the exam today
Love those count-down images ..... have a great (but looonnnnng) flight and enjoy your time in NZ.
Wow.. just caught up on your blog.. and surprise.. I can run it my net news wire.. great..;o)
ANd your trip is soon to be for real!!!! FINALLY!!!! I wish you a fantastic trip and Have a good time!!! :o)
Good Luck on your Exam....i know you'll do great! :)
I think it's good that you're getting the have-to's out of the way before you give way to all the excitement! You won't have any trouble staying up all night THAT night, lol!
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