The wonderful Amy over at Park City Girl is once again hosting an
online quilt festival. I thought I could join in this time. I want to share a quilt that was designed and made by myself and my son.
Joe wanted a dragon quilt so my sister and I hunted around and came up with a black dragon fabric and a grey dragon fabric, then Joe and I got together using a program called Quilt Wizard, we added a couple of extra colours and came up with a design which pleased him.

He was a very attentive assistant, snipping all the threads, passing things and helping to pair pieces up ready for the next long round of chain piecing, a concept he took to very quickly.

This was one of the very first quilts I ever managed to label.

It's quilted mostly in the ditch, though Joe did design some fantastic flames which I put into the borders for him.

Thank you for visiting our quilt and I hope you enjoy the rest of the tour. Why not post about one of your quilts and add your name to the already very long list of entrants. Anything goes, so it could be large or small, appliqué or embroidered. Hand or machine work. It's all about having fun and seeing some beautiful quilts.
1) A design assistant.
2) A thread snipper.
3) He loves it.

What a great quilt.
Love and hugs Gina xxx
What a lovely quilt and extra special because of the collaberation involved
Joe looks so young there! It is a really stunning quilt. No wonder he loves it.
I'm not sure what is cooler - the dragon quilt or your great design assistant. When you "sew" seeds you never know what will grow! (forgive the pun - grin)! Great job!!
That is so sweet! I hope to make a quilt with my son one day :)
That quilt is gorgeous! And how special that you made it together. I love it!
Wow what lovely idea to make a quilt toghter with your son...
The quilt is awesome and your son should be very proud.
I have linked to your blog today, I hope that is OK??
What a grat quilt. I have a son who loves dinosours, dragons and all those things. All boys would love that quilt but it is great you got your son involved.
WOW that is gorgeous, Mel would love it
That is an awesome quilt! Perfect for a little man.
Thanks for sharing, Loulee - it is so lovely to see your son intereted!
Hugs - Lurline♥
Oh, you are going to have a fabulous time! I loved te story of this quilt, think I have aboy who would think that was pretty good himself!
You sound like you are getting very organized, did Hunney watch bathurst? Tracey
That's a lovely quilt. I also like the idea of finding 3 gratitudes each day. My partner was recently killed in a bike accident, and finding things to be cheerful about has been tricky at times, but you've made me think that I can find at least 3 small things each day.
Thankyou for that.
Loulee, what an adorable quilt assistant you have there! The quilt that roared and blew flames is loved by a boy and his mum, so sweet! Thanks for sharing your quilt's story.
Beautiful quilt. Great colors, fabric & design.
Thanks for sharing and for participating in the Bloggers Quilt Festival.
avec cet assistant ce patch était déjà à l'honneur
Very beautiful quilt .greeting
This quilt is so beautiful!
I love roping my family into my crafts! Especially if they are to be the recipients or were the inspiration for starting a project! Looks like a fun collaboration!
A great quilt.... and you are teaching your son to appreciate the 'finer' things in life, like soft quilts, spending time with his Mom, etc.
Super fabrics for a boy's quilt, and a super design. Well done to you and to Joe.
How fun to be able to work togther on it! Love it!
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