Well that's how it feels anyway. I could quite enjoy not having to work for a living. LOL Back to work tomorrow. I should have a great sense of achievement, the house got a good clean, I finished a huge quilt and it looks like I'll certainly have another top ready to quilt. I'm just not ready to go back to work, I want to play some more.
Yesterdays trip to the shops was pretty good. I found another curtain sample! LOL Like I need more. It's in a pretty lilac colour and looks like it has huge eyes!

I also found three beautiful plain buttery table cloths. (This picture does neither of these two fabrics any justice, but it's the best of a bad lot). I'm undecided about using the table cloths as quilt backs, or I may embroider on them. Some one had been having a good clear out. There were several, some quite large, table cloths there already covered in pretty embroidery. Someone else snatched those up, yes snatched. I heard her boasting to her friend that she puts them on ebay and sells them for huge profits. There were several pieces of man made fabric that felt ew! And lots of wool fabrics, Meters of the stuff in several colours. I didn't get any of that.
DS Joe's quilt made a huge leap forward yesterday, and I have half of it ready to layer and quilt.

It's in two parts, top right and top left.

That odd piece of blue stripe is a cotton sheet from the Hospice shop. Joe has consented to have that as a border. But we found nothing to use as a backing and in the end I purchased a plain blue cotton sheet.
I promised details of the pattern I'm using and here it is. Thanks to
Paula for the reminder. ;-)
It's called 'Precious Pieces', though I think I'll have to come up with a name change for Joe's version.

It is in volume 18 No 2 of Australian Patchwork and Quilting. The cover quilt is a good scrap user too.

The postie brought me a surprise yesterday. A Huge, king-size piece of Dream Green batting. I love using that stuff! But I wasn't expecting it. I knew I had ordered and received two pieces recently, one is already inside the Seeing Stars quilt I recently finished, the other I didn't even unwrap, it was sat under my table waiting for me to be ready to quilt this current project, and here's the postie with another piece! Hmm...... When I place an order on-line I keep the email confirmation in a special folder, and a copy of the confirmation page too. Then when the order arrives, I usually remember to get rid of them. Well last week when the second piece arrived I got rid of two order confirmations obviously mistakenly believing I had forgotten one at some point! I really don't remember ordering three pieces, two yes, but not three! I must be going funny in the head. Never mind, it will get used and I don't have to feed it.
Time for a quick read with a cuppa tea, before I get the second half of Joe's quilt finished, maybe I'll even get the parts layered today.
Take care.