So, aside from working and looking for alternative work, what have I been doing? Knitting, a bit of mindless knitting, plodding up and down, knit a few, purl a few. I've experimented with this current pattern it really wasn't working for me, so I fiddled and came up with Fairy foot Prints.

And the same Dragon Skin pattern I used to knit a scarf for Joe, got another airing and will be renamed Fairy Wings.

I'm doing another (Private) round of the pin cushion swap, my partner Mandy and I have agreed to go round again as we have plenty of time left before the next official round. That should be fun. I have some good ideas, but didn't make a start yet. Maybe Thursday, I have a late shift tomorrow, but, well that's out, so Thursday is the next one, and I'll have time to call into the sewing shop when I'm in Onchan on Wednesday. :-)
Janice, I tried to email you, but they keep bouncing!!
Here's a link to the sewing Companion pattern.
I'm off to catch up with your blogs.