I finally get to show you my secret pincushion project. I took a few pictures along the way.
I made some pretty pins to go into the pin cushion.

I had fun making a pear shaped cushion.

and added lots of beads, not only on the seams, but I also used them to add sparkle to the the paisley fabrics. In case you didn't guess these are some of my precious Fig tree fabrics. I also couldn't resist making a little extra and as Mandy likes brights I just had to use my brightest fabric to make this sewing companion and matching needle keeper.

I also had to add a post card from the island, well I didn't stop there and popped in a tea towel and little calender too.
Today I received my package from Mandy, look, she spoiled me. I got not only a pin cushion and needle keeper, but also some lovely stitchy extras.

Even some row pins for my knitting. Thank you Mandy.Thank you also to Amy for all her organising of the swap.
You were both lucky with your swap gifties. Gorgeous.
Can you please help me. I can't find my pattern for the sewing companion that I made you like the one you have just made. Can you please let me know which magazine it was in.
how cute... love them Lou!
A lovely swap. I really like the styly of the sewing compainion
I absolutely loved your pear pincushion, it was so unusual.
Oh, what fun! I love the pins you made for the lovely pear pincushion, just gorgeous. You spoiled your swapmate too!
A nice swap! And the wee cardigans are lovely.
Beautiful gifts - for both of you!
Love the pear cushion. Very different.
Love, love, that pear! Especially sweet with the beading...gee, I am so into beads right now. ;-) Is that from the Fig Tree book??
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