I put the final border onto Kays Roses and after giving the floor a good clean, I'm now pinning the layers.

When Shirley was here she eyed my floor and asked me how I go about layering. The simple answer is, in stages.

I've got my cutting mat under the bottom left corner just now, finishing of the area over the carpet, then I'll gently pull the whole thing to the left, re tape the top edge and right hand corner then pin everything that is left. I really do need to learn and get into the habit of a good quilt as I go method, it would save a lot of this crawling about on the floor and worrying about layers slipping while I move things.
This top still looks big and bare, Shilrley, come back I need your positive voice right now! I do hope my quilting turns out ok and looks good.
Have fun.
Woo hoo! You've made progress. The border really gives the quilt a lift. I'm sure your quilting will be fine and you will be happy with the end product.
I'd not only have to be on my hand and knees to do one as big as that, I'd have to move the furniture, lol. I am sure the quilting will be fabulous, I love the colours. Really peaceful
Very pretty quilt! Have fun quilting it!
Happy sewing!
Oh, I like - so fresh looking!
Hugs - Lurline♥
Hey Loulee, it's looking good but I would be a bit anxious at having so much of my quilting on display (because mine is less than perfect). If you haven't already gone ahead, how about fusing some leftover fabric (flower shapes? stars? something else?) onto some of those blank squares, using Vliesofix or steam-a-seam or whatever you have there)?
Oh! I like the border too! That is quite a process with the pinning. I usually have to borrow my mom's big living room floor to pin anything bigger than a twin size...unless I can talk hubby into moving all of his drum set and amps out of the area I use!
This quilt will be lovely when it's quilted. I hope you have fun doing it. well done on being able to baste the way you do.
I'm looking foward to seeing this quilting and what design you do. Lots of possibilities in the open spaces.
Hey mum, Loving it... hehehe Thankyou!! you've cheard my day up.:)
The quilt looks great - and space for quilting is always good! As for layering up, I have started to use the Sharon Schamber method using pieces of wood, which menas you can do it on a table, in easy bits. She has a tutorial on Youtube which you can look at. It's a really good method, and means no more crawling arond!
This is a great looking quilt enjoy it,
Take care
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