Monday 24 July 2023

A dinosaurs tale, and other stories....

I'm sure I have mentioned previously that I am cross stitching a dinosaur for Torstein. And here it is, well it's tail anyway.
It's one of a set of six that I purchased off Etsy.  So far it has been very boring! You might think working in just one colour would be easy and it is, but trust me, it is also BORING! Great for picking up for an hour before work though. I'll see how many I can complete by Christmas. 
Progress has been made on scrappy placemats for Charmaine. I sorted through the pile of scraps she had approved and came up with a plan.
Which came together looking something like this.
That darker chocolate brown will be the outer border and binding. I just need to find some backing.
Tony got a big package in the mail the other day. Belle wasn't allowed to sit in the big cardboard box, so she hopped in to the plastic bag instead.
Not ideal and I was glad when she hopped out and the bag was whisked away to the bin.
Why is it that cats like to sit in bags and boxes?
And finally.......
My recent crochet finish leaves me with an empty lap while we are still in the middle of winter.
Better make a new start.
This one will take a while to complete and may even get put away for a while to rest over summer and come back out next winter. Joe and Lee would like a king size blanket for their bed please....
These are the colours they chose.
And that is all of my news.
I'll be back soon I hope. 



Jennifer said...

It's definitely a cat thing.....every cat that has ever lived with us has liked a box or bag, preferably a box. That's a cute placemat for Charmaine.....and yes, I can see that stitching in just one colour would be boring!

Lin said...

Nice projects underway although I can quite see how boring that Dinosaur is! xx

Mystic Quilter said...

Good progress with the placemats, will it be three for Charmaine?

Janice said...

You have been kept quite busy making items for Joe and his family. It’s so nice that they appreciate what you make. Of course Belle had to inspect the packaging.

Raewyn said...

Charmaine will be happy to have her own placemats! Hopefully if you just chip away at the cross stitch all of a sudden it will be done! Kinda like eating an Elephant (Dinosaur) one bite at a time :-) Great that you have another crochet project to keep your lap warm.

Chookyblue...... said...

Oh yes that king size one is going to take some time..........yes maybe a rest over summer........nice colour combination.....bit unusual to what I would choose but I like it.........I think we get stuck in our same same colour choices.......

Ondrea said...

I would continue crocheting because it will keep your lap warm as it grows. Love your dinosaur and look forward to seeing it finished along with the others. Your cat is just a typical cat and very cute.

kiwikid said...

Cats love boxes and bags of all kinds don't they! The part dinosaur looks great even if it is boring. Place mats look great too and very nice looking crochet blanket beginnings.

dq said...

Well that is certainly a cute little dino tail!
The fabrics your grandy picked out are fun and so are the finished place mats. Fantastic crochet project!

Susan said...

OH MY GOSH...a king sized crock=het blanket . . .no words>

Cats are like that - no matter the box or bag - it must be tested.

totally understand about one colour...very boring - and really a bit difficult as you are constantly counting..