So it's official, I have four stitchery projects on the go! OMG!
Part three of Red Delicious is due any time now and I didn't even make a start yet! I toyed with the idea of doing it as Redwork as I really am enjoying the stitchery, but I really think later in the year I'll be glad of a break from that and applique will be a nice change and I'll still get to do some stitching as I blanket stitch all the pieces.
Already this morning I'm procrastinating over the French Knots, so maybe RD will get started today.
I've done my housework for the day, I have a quick chore to do in town and then my time is my own until 2.45pm when I have to go to work. I'm off for a walk, then I'll play.
1) A late shift!
2) A dry day. Walkies!
3) Hot sweet tea.
Both your stitcheries look great. Once you master the French knot you'll be putting it on everything. To this day, I can do them, but my mother can't! :o)
BTW Part three is up...I downloaded it yesterday :o)
sounds like a wonderful day...glad to hear you sound so upbeat!! Hope you enjoyed the walk!
The french knots will really finish these pieces off. Be careful, they can get addictive! Have a lovely day
Hope you got hte hang of the French knots...don´t give up...if you didnt... you will!! And they are so fun!!
Love your block!! :o)
great job on your Christmas wish stitchery! I vowed to do some stitcheries this year--and I've never been taught to embroider--so I'm not very good. LOL But your's looks good and I can only hope that by the end of the year mine will look good too!
They are looking lovely. You can do those French knots!!!
Lovely stitcheries - I must start one soon!
Hugs - Lurline♥
your stitching is looking great, im no good at french knots they all come out diffrent sizes,
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Boy you have been busy...I am doing the Christmas wishes your fabric choices too...
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