The lovely Ellie, is offering a free BOM called Country Calendar. (The link is in her side bar) she suggests doing applique or stitchery. So Hey Ho, I set to cutting all the cream fabric for the back grounds and then riffled through my drawers looking for some colour and pulled out a Jelly Roll Hunney bought me for my birthday. Modas Wildflower Serenade, by Kansas Troubles.
When I got home I got back to the threads, I decided not to use Ellies suggestions, instead I substituted what felt right out of the box. I didn't really take any notice of what numbers they are as they are all left overs from kits and other projects or bits which for one reason or another I have decided not to put away correctly in my storage files.
So here he is, my little snow man.
I'm very much looking forward to next months block and plan to start Red Delicious in the meantime. Hmm, I think I need to come up with some storage solutions here. (P.S. Red Delicious has already started, block 3 is due soon, but I have been saving them)
More Gratitude's
1) A quick finish!
2) Generosity
3) Hunneys choices.
He looks fantastic, can't wait to see next months
I TOTALLY LOVE that BOM square, and may have to join you on that challenge! what fun! Cant wait to see what each month brings :)
Have a fabulous day...and thanks again for sharing that link!!!
These stitchery BOM are a great way to use up threads, etc. I'm doing the Red Delicious (along with a lot of other people) but have not started yet.
Hello Loulee,
thanks for leaving a comment on my blog!
I see you already finished the first block of the BOM! I love the colours and fabrics you used.
I would like to ask you if it's OK if I place the picture in the Photo Gallery on my website. (I wanted to send you an e-mail but I couldn't find you e-mailaddress...)
Best wishes,
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