Well Claire, it's here!
Also included in the package was the Christmas Issue of Australian Homespun magazine, wow what a lovely magazine. There are some projects in there I will be trying out for next Christmas.
I took myself through to the sitting room with the intention of reading the magazine, I did make a start, but had to give up when a whopper of a headache settled in. When Hunney got home, he played nurse. :-) This morning I flickered through the magazine and looked at the pictures with my morning tea. I'll have another bash at reading it later before I go to work.
I used to get migraines 3-4 times a year, when I was with my ex husband. Since leaving him I hardly get them, maybe one every couple of years, I do however still get whopping great stress headaches at times. yesterday was one of those times.
Like a migraine, sometimes they last for only a few hours, other times they can last for days. My doc thinks they are migraines, but I argue that they are not, they 'feel' different, and there is no pain in my neck or the base of my brain. Does that make sense?
All the pain seems to be in the middle of the left side of my brain and my eyes are light sensitive, hence the docs migraine diagnosis. The pain yesterday came in waves every couple of hours and eased off by bed time so I was able to sleep.
And boy did I sleep, after days of being disturbed by the weather, wondering if we would loose the rest of the roof and seeing water creep across the ceiling I was exhausted.
Add to that the fact that we are nearing the end of two weeks where I have been the only manager available as the three above me are either off island or off sick, it's no wonder I have stress!
Roll on Monday morning. I go off call and get to have two days off work.
What am I going to do today?
I'll put the washing machine on and hang all that up when it's done.
I'll take a walk, I have another letter to post.
I'll iron my new fabric treasure and put it away.
I have a magazine to read.
I have a magazine to read.
1) Kindness and generosity.
2) A sunny settled day.
3) Hunney makes a good nurse.
Lovely fabrics, such a nice parcel to receive in the post. Glad to hear your weather has improved!
What beautiful fabric, a lovely parcel to open.
What great colors in your batiks. Hope after a good rest your head is better. Have a great weekend. Em
I'm glad Hunney is a good nurse, really helps. Stay well, relax enjoy!.
Love your fabrics and yes I would have bought all of those except perhaps the last one. I love colour!
A good nights sleep works wonders doesn't it.
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