Is there any more PINK out there?
I spent the evening up in the study with Hunney and when I had finished the Cherry blossom I pulled out my poor neglected Floral Trio and worked for an hour on that. I finished that leaf peeking out the top there and started on the last petal.
I don't know if I'll keep going with this or if I'll start on something else, once I'm done with the clematis. If you remember the third flower is a hydrangea, it looks picky, with lots of colour changes and I have another project lined up asking to be cross stitched, I'll see how I feel once I finish this flower. 
Yesterday and today are supposed to be days off work, relaxing days! Note I say supposed. Yesterday I had two appointments in the afternoon. They were close enough together to make it a waste of time coming back into town between them, but far enough apart that I had over an hour to kill. As it was dry I went for a walk. I didn't take the camera as I had my book in my bag, thinking I may sit in the park and read, but it was too cold for that. I covered a lot of ground and did lots of zigging and zagging to fill in the time. Today will also be interrupted. I have to be at work at 2pm for a meeting, though I should be home for 4pm.
Am I the only one who gets antsy when quality stitching time is invaded?
Yesterday I saw Maria for the first time since before Christmas. I think it went OK, I feel like I didn't shut up for the whole hour and felt wrung out when I left, though today I couldn't tell you what we talked about. I think I'll leave that stuff alone today.
1) Cold DRY days.
2) Another little finish.
3) All the decorations are put away.
No, you're not the only one to feel like that, especially when you expect to have plenty of time. Pink beauty looks great, love the buttons
Nice work! I think we all need 'Do Not Disturb!' signs.
Hugs - Lurline♥
Oh, the little pink button tree is cute!
I have to work at not being grouchy when my schedule is off-kilter, too.
mum? why am i DD?? plus the blue one had gone walks about. rassa frassa grrrr... but. but why DD?
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