Sunday 21 July 2024

Poof! Another week gone.

 So in no particular order...
Today I helped my soon to be Daughter in Law Lee to complete her first ever patchwork project.
You know she was having a go at EPP and had selected some of my fabrics to have a play. She even had a go at fussy cutting, then with the briefest of how tos.... Off she went and glue basted and sewed.
Then after an even briefer how to, she got on and hand quilted her completed top!
Today I guided her through having a tidy up around the edges, cutting and hemming two pieces for the cushion cover back, her first time using a sewing machine ever, then we used my overlocker to sew the back pieces to the front.
She is rightfully incredibly proud of her achievement. So Many firsts.
I think my son Joe is quiet proud of her too.
I caught him admiring her work and giving it a squeeze.
So what's next?
She thinks she might like to have a go a wool applique!
I've never tried, so we borrowed a book from our club library while we were there yesterday and asked around about where to get some not too expensive wool packs near home, so that Lee can feel the fabrics she will be working with. Even newbies like to fondle fabrics. LOL
I've suggested that her first wool project could be a hussif.
That led to a lot of googling, she had never heard of a hussif before or even a housewife.
But if she is going to continue with needle crafts she will need one, my spare pin cushion and an old choccy tin is fine for now, but as she grows so must her tool kit.
So, on Thursday we are both off work and we'll be taking a bit of a road trip up to Annie's Country craft store. I've blogged about Annie's before. Lee says she has looked as she has driven passed, and wondered what is inside. In a few days she will find out. 
Well that was Lee's week, what about mine?
Yesterday at club I sat on one of the couches rather than at a table and pushed on with my Spots and Stripes EPP. I've decided that it is big enough and it is time to begin filling in the spaces around the edges.
Not a great shot, but you can just see the dark pink with red spots filling in along the left side of this image. I'll do better next time I promise.
Also reaching a milestone is the A blocks for my Windswept paper foundation pieced quilt.
They are all made.
Tomorrow before work I'll be making some B blocks.
Progress is also being made on my latest scrappy crochet project. My pile of granny squares is slowly growing.
I was also able to get in a few hours on my Christmas Cross stitch ornament this week too.
It's not finished but hopefully by the end of the month.....
Two weeks ago when we celebrated Miss Charmaine's 8th Birthday I gifted her a Frozen activity box. It had a great where's Olaf? book and a 200 piece jigsaw puzzle. She was very daunted by such a large puzzle but with some guidance and encouragement and also a little help she was able to get all of the sides sorted and completed and she even had about half of the inner pieces done before it was time to go home. I promised to look after the puzzle until she could visit again. I kept it safe and somehow managed to not put any more pieces in. Today Charmaine ran to it as soon as she arrived, but as I was busy preparing lunch then helping her mum, her attention did not last long and she wandered off to play with the building blocks.
After lunch we sat together and with some more encouragement she got on with the job of completing her puzzle.
Just look at that face.
Another very proud young lady.
It wasn't an easy puzzle to complete and I think she did incredibly well. 
After completing that big puzzle with all those small pieces she made easy work of her 35 piece mermaid puzzle. LOL
I might have to find some more puzzles for her.
And that was my week.
I wonder if Chooky is still on zoom?
She was there this morning, I was glue basting some batik scraps given to me by my pal at club yesterday.


Jennifer said...

Well done to Lee....and very well done to Charmaine! Love your spots and dots - and love those autumn colours.

ButterZ said...

Your DIL has done an amazing job. Good on her. Wow, now to want to head on in to wool applique. Have fun. All your work is wonderful and well done on the puzzle getting finished.

Susan said...

What a busy time - how wonderful that Lee is getting into needlecraft...what a happy smile Charmaine has after finishing her puzzle.
Your pile of blocks looks very neat...

Maria said...

Ive spent some time catching up on all your posts and you’ve been very busy working on all your projects.
I logged on through Jo’s blog.How can I follow you??
Well done on completing your first ever project Lee. The cushion looks fabulous.
The Spots and Strips EEPed top is lovely.
Your granddaughter did a great job on the puzzle and she does look chaffed with herself.

Jenny said...

You've had a busy time. How nice that your almost DIL is interested in stitching, I'm sure you are enjoying helping her start the journey.

Fiona said...

Lots of great progress on the different projects... and well done to Lee on her first - leading her astray already are you?????? Little miss did well with the jigsaw - lots of similar colours...

Lin said...

That cushion cover is gorgeous! - congratulations Lee. Lots of nice things going on there . xx

Rose Marie said...

What an exciting time for Lee. Oh, the wonders and excitement of going to a craft store!

Rose Marie said...

What an exciting time for Lee. Oh, the wonders and excitement of going to a craft store!

Ma Betty said...

Oooo! I love Lee's cushion and of course Charmaine's jig saw. I really love doing jigsaws.
I really like your hexie quilt top too and look forward to seeing all the edges filled.
I missed Chooky this time but there will be more opportunities I'm sure.

cityquilter grace said...

congrats on bringing another sewist into the fold! sounds like she is off and running with various interests like most of us...and you too with that collection of different needle too! what an adorable grandie!

kiwikid said...

Well done to Lee, her first project is amazing. Your grand daughter did really well with the puzzle too. You are going great guns on your sewing and crochet projects.

dq said...

Fun for the little lady to finish a challenging puzzle. She is on the road to loving them throughout her life.

Congratulations to your DIL to be on her first ever EPP finish. Congratulations to you too. I cannot believe how much EPP you have completed this year already, and you are close to another.