Tuesday 30 July 2024

The July Roundup.

 I started July with a great rush, completing the RSC Kiwi on the very first day. 
Things slowed down considerably after that. LOL
But they didn't stop.
I completed the scrappy ripple crochet blanket.
It is in use at work, keeping someone warm. Then I started another scrappy crochet project, this time Granny squares.
A squirrel was born!
The completed top is sat on the 'To be quilted pile'. 
Eventually I got around to starting and completing the Friendship bag that was my Chookshed challenge this month.
I also made time to finish off my latest EPP project.
Spots and stripes now has borders.
And the completed top is on the 'To be quilted' pile.
Each morning before work I've sewn a block for my Windswept quilt top.
All of the A blocks are completed and I made a start on the B blocks.
Last months squirrel progressed a little.
It would be in the to be appliqued pile, if there was such a thing.
And I need to find a good border fabric for it.
Another squirrel was born last night. This wee bag needed a disguise.
I thought some hexies might help.
Things have progressed since this photo was taken.  All the hexies are joined and they are waiting to be appliqued onto the bag front. (Maybe there should be a to be appliqued pile). 
Oh and early last week I finally completed the Christmas ornament I started back in May. 
How does all of that fit in with my goals for the month?

1) Complete the Chookshed challenge. ✔

2) The RSC Kiwi. ✔

3) Cross stitch a Christmas ornament. ✔

4) Work 15 mins a day. ✔

5) Work on a scrap project. ✔

6)Try a new recipe. ✔✔✔✔✔✔✔

About the recipe....
I have a few new recipe books, 
I've tried several recipes from all of them.
I may have to do a separate post all about food. LOL
In case you missed it, I've embraced the no sugar, low carb way of life.
My favourite new recipe has to be last nights I think.
We  made a sausage and cabbage bake.
Which I served with beetroots.
Basically it is a frittata and it was very tasty. I found the recipe in the first book pictured above.
Still on the subject of food. Tony has completed his three month Carnivore diet. For all of that time he has eaten only meat, eggs and cheese. The hope was that it would change his Type 2 diabetes diagnosis and he would no longer have to take tablets that are 'fixing' the diabetes but damaging his kidneys! The tablets never did change his blood sugar results but a drastic change of diet did! He saw his Doctor yesterday, and they were both amazed at the change, especially the Doctor. Current results show that Tony is no longer type 2 diabetic, he is now pre diabetic. So what next? Now he will follow a keto diet for three months and see what changes in that time. I couldn't face the carnivore diet, as I mentioned above, I have already made changes to my diet and I'm prepared to go Keto with him.
So tonights new recipe?
Fathead pizza. The bases are made with almond meal and sour cream. 
If I remember I'll get some photos. 
I'm on a day off today, it is persisting down outside, so a great day to stay home and play.
I have lots of projects to chose from, I'll let you know what I do. 


dq said...

A big congratulations to Tony for successfully changing his diet to rid off Type 2. Good job cooking great meals to assist him in this challenge. Keep us updated.

You accomplished a TON in July. Pat yourself on the back - seriously! It is great to see the border on your EPP as well. Yes, an applique' pile is a great idea. I have one in a bag so I can grab and go for road trips etc...

Jeanette said...

Good news for Tony. Look forward to hearing about your keto diet. Lovely projects for July.

Jennifer said...

Well done to you, and to Tony!

Susan said...

Well done Tony -I'm sure your cooking helped a lot....trouble is i am stuck with the cooking bit..

well done on your projects too!.

kiwikid said...

Excellent news for Tony, well done!!
Well done you on ticking off all your goals for the month!!
Great idea for the Maggi bag. You certainly had a busy creative month.

Fiona said...

You have got a heap of sewing done.... I was interested to know the results of the carnivore diet - what great success....

cityquilter grace said...

wow you made excellent progress in july! those cheesecake balls look really good...and hurray for tony!

Narelle said...

So many great projects keeping you busy ... love the idea for your bag disguise :)
I have the 4 Ingredients Keto Book ... great recipes and those fat bombs sound delish!

jude's page said...

Have been doing keto for 2 years now, and swinging a bit to Carnivore also, lost 25 kg which is good, just have to keep it off !!

Chookyblue...... said...

You got lots done Lou congrats....... Glad you got your SS bag finished and spots and stripes looks great......