Monday 4 February 2019

Block one done.

And it was finished before the end of January, even though I didn't start until mid way through the month.
I'm rather happy with the first block of Down in the Garden.
I'll be making a start on block two this week hopefully.
I was hoping to have another slow stitching Sunday yesterday, but sadly that didn't happen.
NZ is finally having some very warm and beautiful weather and our green house is producing more tomatoes than we can keep up with, so I spent some of yesterday in the kitchen. I made a huge pan of tomato soup for the freezer. A friend had given me a big bag of apples, and some apple crumbles joined the soups in the freezer.
We had a roast chicken the other day, so stock was made and chicken soup also went into the freezer.
Two loads of laundry were washed, pegged out, brought in, ironed and put away.
Then I went in to work for an extra half shift. 4-8pm.
I'm off to work for my normal shift today, but that's not until 10.30, so I'm hoping to get to sit and stitch on my Queen for a while this morning.
But first I have a pattern to find.....
I know I have it stashed somewhere!


Jenny said...

Down in the Garden is such a pretty project, and so very you!

Karen S said...

Lovely work finishing the block. It is lovely.

Maria said...

Love your Down in the Garden block..
Boy you sure had a day.. Nice stash in your freezer..
Hope you got to sit and stitch The Queen.

Janice said...

I love the block. It is so pretty. Your Sunday was very productive, and all those meals in the freezer will create extra stitching time down the track. That has to be a bonus.