Monday 18 March 2019

Almost, but not quite!

My two days off work last week were very relaxing and also productive. I almost finished the stitching on block three of Down in the garden. There is just one flower vine left to stitch in the bottom corner of the bird house block.
I really am pleased with the progress I made.
I had hoped to finish it, but simply ran out of steam at about 7pm on Wednesday and didn't yet get a chance to get back to it.
I was hoping to have time to stitch on Friday before work, but spent the time in the kitchen instead. I popped a beef curry into the slow cooker, cooked and chilled some rice and made a bacon and egg pie for lunches over the weekend. When I finished work at 8pm I went straight out to the airport to collect Tony after his week away.
It was lovely to have him home and have dinner ready to eat.
Over the weekend Timaru hosted a Rock and Hop event. A celebration of all things 1950s. Along with cars, music, dresses and dancing there was also a market for local businesses and crafters to sell their wares. Claire and Debbie set up their stall and took along a box of items that I had made. Business was sadly slow. But they did sell one of my quilts and a bag that I had made!!  
That was great news.
Time to go. Stuff to do before I go to work.


Karen S said...

Your block is looking lovely. great to see such progress.

Jenny said...

Your blocks are beautiful but really big! Such a lot of work in each one.

Janice said...

You will have now worries having your block finished this month. It is lovely. The Rock and Hop event sounds like it was great fun. It is good that you had a couple of sales.

Shelina said...

Your block looks wonderful. You've chosen a beautiful quilt to make.