Thursday 7 October 2021

Progress has slowed.

It's been a strange week, Tony is away working on fire engines!
His company are installing new communications equipment into them. 
My time has been my own and I have made the most of it.
My progress on Sea swept has slowed a little. But I've still been busy. I've had a couple of big study days . After 8 hours of reading and writing, I really didn't feel like doing much of anything else, but like most crafters, I can't sit with idle hands, so picked up my crochet and fiddled with that in the evenings.
I've also finally made a start on my October ornament.
Then, I was back to work.
But I have managed to get some of the corner stones for Sea Swept made.
This is todays offering. These little blocks really don't take very long to complete.
But there are a lot of them.
This was the view out of the window this morning.
A good day to be indoors sewing.
I have domestics to do today, then after I have some lunch I plan to sit with my ornament until it is time to go to work.
Tony will be home tomorrow.



kiwikid said...

Those little Sea swept blocks are great. You will be happy to have Tony home.

Maria said...

Lots of time for studying but it’s great to do a bit of crafting too.
You’ll be happy to haveTony home again…

Jenny said...

Studying is taking up some time, you working towards a certificate of aged care, I expect? Or something similar.
Even with all this brain work you are still crafting along.

Chookyblue...... said...

Comms in trucks is so important...... Nice to have some time to yourself and great to get the study done.....

Janice said...

You’ve made good use of your time while Tony is away. Good on you for getting lots of study completed as well as still getting a bit of crafting.

Ondrea said...

Those blocks are so pretty. The colours are beautiful.

Karen S said...

The little corner stones look lovely. It will be great to see it all together.