Saturday 6 July 2024

Progress....And another squirrel.

After setting off with a hiss and a roar on the first day of the month, I have slowed down a lot!
I've managed to have a look at my Friendship bag pattern and even pulled out vliesofix paper ready to trace the applique elements. But that is as far as that got.
While I was hunting for the pattern I found a wee layer cake and a squirrel was born....
More about that soon.
I did complete the crochet ripple blanket, and have even taken it to work.
It's not the prettiest but it will keep someone warm.
I've since begun another scrappy crochet project.
So that will satisfy the 'work on a scrappy project' goal for the month and also keep up my 15 mins of hand work per day.
Now, about that squirrel....
After writing the last blog post on Tuesday I went in to my room to have a play and wait for the rest of the world to wake up and get moving. I pulled out a 20 slice layer cake that I had purchased from Spotlight earlier this year. I got busy sewing it together. Nothing fancy I simply laid out the fabric pieces in a 4x5 layout and started sewing. Then following consultation with Chooky we agreed on this red for the inner border, but I wasn't sold on the grey the Chooky liked so I went off out to do my chores in town.
Once I got home Janice and I had a good catch up chat and a consultation, we agreed that the green fabric should be the outer border.
And that is as far as that particular project has gotten. It's still lying on the floor of my room awaiting my attention.
I've made a few more of my Windswept blocks, it's exciting to see the little pile of four patches that make the centers of the blocks growing smaller and smaller. 
On a very exciting note we have booked our flights to Sydney for next years Scrub Stitchin' retreat. 
Now I'll need to work out my make it or fake it gift and figure out when to make it.
Plenty of time for that I hope. 
Time to go and put a pot luck meal together, we're off out for tea at a friends place. 


Jenny said...

A trip planned and booked, there is nothing better than something special to look forward to.

Jennifer said...

The time will go quickly, too!

Fiona said...

the crochet blanket looks great... oh those squirrels!!!

Jeanette said...

The blanket looks great. Hmmm squirrels. Have a few her trying to entice me. One of them happens to be that bag. lol.

Susan said...

I think the green is the "one"

Crazy to be thinking of will be here quick enough!

cityquilter grace said...

always fun to play in the stash....

dq said...

Ican see why a squirrel was born. That is a delicious looking layer cake!
Your afghan is a wonderful finish as well. They are so warm.
I am too warm right now. Super hot in July here.
Deana at

dq said...

Ican see why a squirrel was born. That is a delicious looking layer cake!
Your afghan is a wonderful finish as well. They are so warm.
I am too warm right now. Super hot in July here.
Deana at

Lianne makes stuff said...

I have so many squirrels.... they might be taking over the world. Yay on booking for next year the time will fly

Narelle said...

It's hard to stay on track when there's pretty fabrics calling to you.
Great finish on your crochet rug ... did you add a border?