Saturday 14 September 2024

Another week has passed!

The weeks are flying by, it's only 49 days until the wedding and the bride is still losing weight!
So I won't be doing anything to her dress until the last minute I suspect. 
Never mind, that gives me more time to do my own thing. As you know I've had a chest infection and really wasn't up to much for a few days there. I did try to do some work on my machine but gave it up. More about that later, I ended up sitting in my comfy chair with my EPP. It was an easy go to while I wasn't firing on all cylinders. It has grown and the top edge has appeared, even the corners, it will not get any wider than this.

I now want to make it larger than originally planned, so had a dig through the blue stash for some more fabrics.....Then went shopping! I don't have a pic though so you will have to wait a little while to see those. I have already cut some and made up some blocks with them. 

Another project that got some love this week, once I was feeling better was a scrappy quilt top completed earlier this year. Do you recall the crumb quilt top?

I loaded it on to the frame on a lovely sunny day. Well it was sunny some of the time. I even had the door open and had fresh air while I quilted.

I used my meander panto.
The backing fabric is a duvet cover that I found at a local store, chopped up I can back two quilts with it. I couldn't resist those bright swirls.
The binding is bright and colourful too.
It was leftovers from the dinosaur quilt.
Very happy with how it has turned out. I have several more in the pile. LOL
Today was a big day. I had my ruler class at patchwork club. 
What a fun day. We all had to bring along a premade block to work on, there was also a layered fat quarter for practicing. I tried three times to make my block, but I was ill at the time. Maybe it was that, or maybe just all of those bias edges but I ended up with two very wavy blocks. Then I pulled out freezer paper and used it to help control those edges.
Not the best image I'm afraid, but I had a go with lots of different rulers and worked a different pattern in each patch of the block.
I've come away with a shopping list. LOL
There are more rulers and patterns I would like to try. I have some table topper/runner size pieces that need to be quilted so plenty to practice on. Chatting with Janice earlier today we agreed that some QAYG blocks would be great for practice too. 
There were only 4 of us attending the class. Sadly two sewing machines packed their bags and refused to work! One in the first hour, the second after lunch. Oh dear, I do hope the repairs are not too expensive.
This lovely is Amanda's  sample. She was delighted with her circles on the right.
Her whole piece is amazing.
Nola's sewing machine was the one that stopped working after lunch. She had made a great start though and has gone home full of ideas and inspiration.
Finally, I snapped a quick picture of one of Kaye's sample pieces.
Love it. I wish I had taken more pictures of her samples, they were amazing.
Hopefully I'll get a little time to sew tomorrow but I'm only hoping at this point as it is Master Torstein's 4th birthday. There will be roast chicken, a yummy looking chocolate cake made by Grandad and of course presents.
Here's to next week. I hope it's a good one. 


Karen S said...

Your EPP work is looking wonderful. Good to have something to do when you are feeling unwell.
Nice to see a finish on the crumb quilt. And it looks like the ruler class was a big success. That will be very useful.

Jennifer said...

Interesting quilting samples! Your crumb quilt is a fun way of using scraps.

Janice said...

You’ve done well, considering you were off colour. The scrapper looks fun and Blue Lanterns is coming along nicely. The ruler class must have been great fun. Happy birthday to Torstein. I can’t believe he is 4 already.

Maria said...

Good you’re feeling better and got some sewing done.
The Lanterns are looking great and the crumb blocks have made a nice quilt with the colourful backing.
Lots of fantastic sample blocks made when using rulers…
Have a fun day tomorrow.

Fiona said...

Glad you are feeling better and that you made good progress with your EPP... the ruler work looks fun... it's always so good to see what other people come up with...

Anonymous said...

I'm glad you're feeling better, I did a ruler class a few years ago but haven't used them much so I need a refresher, yours looks great so do your blue lanterns

Mystic Quilter said...

You certainly scored well finding that gorgeous swirly fabric to back your crumb quilt and a perfect quilting pattern.

Lin said...

EPP is always a good go to when you are not feeling so well. Coming along nicely. Great work on the crumb block quilting - hopefully a photoshoot soon and your ruler quilting looks amazing. Have a fun week. xx

ButterZ said...

Hope you are feeling much better. Your ruler work looks great. Well done

kiwikid said...

Good to hear you are feeling better Lou. Your class sounded great! Always good to go home with lots of ideas! Some of the samples are stunning. Love your crumb quilt and your epp is growing happily.