I may have a cold, but I was go, go, go yesterday and got loads done.
First up I finished my Little stitchery into a wonky wall hanging. It wasn't actually meant to be wonky, but that's how it turned out!
While I was in the mood for finishing things, I took the rose stitchery and turned it into a pocket for the front of the first of the blue gingham bags.
During my sewing, Moya arrived, with everyone but Hubby! Lauren wanted to bake, so they had a Blueberry Muffin mix with them.
How many cooks does it take to bake a muffin? Four apparently.
Look at Lauren watching them rise.
Look at Lauren watching them rise.
In between all my sewing and my visitors I got out and did a little shopping, it was a mild day and I enjoyed the fresh air.
Here we have one fully laden tree all lit up. I have actually added more gifts here since I took this photo.
DS Joe keeps poking about to see what is for him. He is very confused, having asked for a fishing rod, but the only long thin gift he can see says 'To Mum, love from Lou and Hunney' LOL The rod is there, but it's well buried! Hunney keeps on asking me what the big white gift at the back is. There is no tag on that one.......
After our drive in the fog on Sunday, Hunney and I called into Moyas home, I had the camera, so took the opportunity to get a few pictures.
After our drive in the fog on Sunday, Hunney and I called into Moyas home, I had the camera, so took the opportunity to get a few pictures.
When Moya and her Hunney got married, they sneaked off and had their ceremony inside the arctic circle in an ice chapel. So a traditional wedding sampler was not really the right thing, she wouldn't let me stitch a picture of her wearing snow gear, so we hunted high and low, then Moya spotted this and asked me to cross stitch it for her.
I was going to add the date and their names, but she specifically asked me not to. It now hangs in their dining room. It's called Nordic Angel.
Here's the reason I was in the dining room, I was sent in to look at Laurens tree. WOW!! That's PINK!
It has Disney princesses and various ornaments that the children have made to decorate it. Lauren I have to say is the princess of pink, except she won't eat it, no pink icing or pink puddings for that princess. LOL
Moya cross stitched this advent calendar a few years ago. If I remember rightly it actually took two Christmases to finish. No she didn't get greedy and eat all the chocolates, she says her DH only filled half the pockets.
And last but not least, her beautiful green and silver tree.
I have no plans for today, beyond making a BIG pan of chilli and I have to call at the butchers to collect my turkey and a big lump of beef.
Here's the reason I was in the dining room, I was sent in to look at Laurens tree. WOW!! That's PINK!
Moya cross stitched this advent calendar a few years ago. If I remember rightly it actually took two Christmases to finish. No she didn't get greedy and eat all the chocolates, she says her DH only filled half the pockets.
I started another cross stitch last night, I really didn't feel up to working on my floral trio, so pulled a freebie design off an old magazine and got stuck in. I didn't do much only about an hour. I found it hard to concentrate, having to stop and blow every few minutes. LOL I may do some more of that today. I think I'll add the finished piece to the front of another gingham tote.
I thought I wasn't doing too bad with this head cold, I'm not really ill, not too many aches and pains, just a constant drip!! Until tonight that is, I've spent most of it awake, I gave up and got up at about 4.45 am. Maybe I'll add having a snooze to my list of things to do.
1) I'll get a morning kiss! :-)
2) Another easy dinner.
3) Another day off.
1) I'll get a morning kiss! :-)
2) Another easy dinner.
3) Another day off.
Merry Christmas.
The Nordic Angel is lovely, what an unusual place to get married! My daughter would love that pink tree.... better not show her!
Hope you have a great Christmas x
The pink tree is an acquired taste (which I haven't yet acquired!) but yours os lovely.
Want to wish you a very Merry Christmas!!!
Take care... :o)
Your blog is looking very Christmassy!!! I do hope your cold passes quickly - I had a stinker!!
Merry christmas to you and your family!
A pink tree! I have never seen one of those before not even for barbie. It's so cool. In case I don't get back again Merry Christmas to you and yours.
Have a very merry Christmas!
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