Monday 2 December 2019

A very busy weekend

I had planned all week on spending some time with one of my sewing machines this weekend.
Maybe make a start on a scrappy project. Maybe load a quilt onto the frame.
Things turned out a little different.
A couple of weeks ago Timaru was hit by a big storm. There was lots of thunder and lightening. Unusual for this part of NZ. There was also a hail storm, with huge hail stones. Many much bigger than those you see here in my hand.
As a result of that storm about half of town are having their cars assessed by hail specialists, and a lucky few are having their cars repaired. My poor wee car is not one of those. Every panel on my poor wee motor has sustained damage, there are so many dents, I lost count just on the bonnet, never mind anywhere else.
The silver lining is that I will get a new to me car.
So Saturday was spent out and about car shopping. I have to say I was over it after the first 2 hours!
Mr H had me sitting in so many cars.
Is this one comfortable?
Can you adjust the seat the way you like it?
Just try this one....
Finally we agreed on a model.
Now the real shopping begins.
I'll leave that to him and the internet.
But Saturday wasn't over!
After a cuppa at home and a lie down on the couch to ease my poor back, we were off out again.
Each year Timaru hosts a festival of roses. There is a beautiful rose garden here in town, it's a part of the Caroline Bay recreation area. 
 The rose festival features a display of many many roses and floral art competitions. These are in the hall, elsewhere in the grounds there is music and a craft market.
On the Saturday evening there was a night market, which I fancied a look at. I told Tony we could get supper at one of the food carts and he was in! There was live music playing in the rotunda and there were a few stalls, but to be honest, not much that interested us except the carnivorous plant stall!
I bought Polly the putrefying  pitcher plant. (The gentleman who sold her to me said I must name her).
Polly currently resides in a corner of the green house. I'm told she will love it in there, but I must keep her toes wet at all times. 
We wandered around for a while, chatting with a few friends and had some food.
By the time we got home, it was almost time for bed.
Not a stitch was sewn all day.
Sunday was no less busy.
First stop, the plant place for marigolds! Aphids have moved in to the green house!
Hopefully the marigolds will have them move out fast! (And of course Polly will help!)
I also purchased a punnet of capsicum. After planting our new friends we headed back to Caroline bay for another look at the rose festival. There were more stalls and more people there than the previous night, so a lot more to see and do. We had lunch from a different food cart to the previous night and while talking to some more friends learned that bikes and side cars were racing at levels raceway, just a few minutes outside of town. Janice, you and Mick should plan a long weekend sometime.
The bikes and sidecars were not what I was used to seeing on the Isle of Man. Wow, what an experience. If we go again I'll try to remember the camera!
We spent the entire afternoon out there.
After a later than usual dinner I mentioned to Tony that I was disappointed not to get a quilt onto the frame. He offered to help load one, right there and then!
It was almost 10pm by the time we had finished.
So she waited for me until this morning when, before work I made three quick meander passes.
That was fun. What a lovely way to start the day.
I had another quick go after work too.
Because I know you all love my tree, here it is laden with flowers.
The wedding cake tree at 07.15 this morning.
Now, it's almost 9 pm and my children have been chatting away on messenger. We have a family conversation going and all keep in touch there. It's been plinging away all the time I've been writing here. Better go and catch up with the happenings.


Jenny said...

What a horrible experience the hail storm must have been, your poor little car! I'm no good at car shopping either. I remember sending Robin out with instructions several cars ago to find me a yellow one and then I would come and look at it.

Karen S said...

Busy, busy! Shame about the car but it is so good you had insurance.
Take care.
Good luck with your quilt.

Raewyn said...

Wow those are huge hailstones - what a shame about your car. When my son worked in car yards/workshops near Brisbane they had huge covered yards they'd get all the cars to if hail was forecast. I can see why! It sounds like a busy and enjoyable weekend...and you even did a bit of quilt related work!

Maria said...

Phew, sure was a busy weekend but you did do lots of fun things..
Lots of damage from the hail storm but getting a new car will be nice.
Hope Polly and the marigold do the trick and get rid of the aphids.
Good to see you did get a little sewing done.
Love the beautiful tree.