Thursday 2 September 2021

Cutting Remarks.

If you remember last time I blogged I had made a start on my next project with a whole bunch of white fabric cut and sorted into little bags.
And I showed a bundle of pretties waiting to have the same treatment. 
I spent most of my time before work on Tuesday standing at my cutting table sorting and slicing pretty batiks into little pieces.
And here they are.
Lots and lots of little pieces.
That was a lot of cutting.
But I wasn't done yet.
The next job was to prepare foundation papers.
Over 200 of them.
I sat in my arm chair for that task, which didn't take quite as long as I thought. 
By the time I left for work on Tuesday afternoon I was all cut out and ready to start sewing on my days off. 
But as often happens, life got in the way.
Or in this case, COVID, which sadly is becoming a common thing.
I wasn't going to be making more masks. But a colleague wanted some for her children.

And then I made more for Tony and I.
Well, mostly for me.
 We no longer have to wear those awful paper masks at work, we are now permitted to wear our pretty fabric masks.
They must be changed every 3-4 hours and be washed before we wear them again.
So I'll need a few then. 
Sew that was yesterday morning all sewn up!
Think I might get some, as we may end up wearing masks at work for quite some time. 
So I didn't get to make a start on my new project just yet.
Lunch was organised by Tony. As we are now in Level 3 of NZ lockdown, that means we can have take away again. Coffee shops and cafes can offer takeout food only, with contactless payment. While many people queued for ages at big name chain stores, friends of ours own a small pie shop and bakery, so Tony ordered pies and cakes for lunch. Yummy treats. He said they were very busy too, which is good to know.
After jumping between my table, my sewing machine and my iron all morning, I was ready to sit down and settle for a while, so that is what I did. I sat and watched a movie while I sewed hexie flowers. 
Todays plans have to include some domestics, but they shouldn't take long.
Then maybe I'll start sewing pretty fabrics onto foundation papers, or maybe I'll sew more hexies.
Whatever I sew, I'll be back to tell you about it soon.

1 comment:

kiwikid said...

Looking forward to seeing your foundation paper piecing, wonderful batik colours. I think masks are here for a long while too.